This includes both depth-first and breadth-first approaches to searching a BST.
The following methods are included in this project:
-- takes an array of data and returns a balanced tree ofNode
objects, and returns the level 0 root node. -
-- returns a visually pleasing showcase of the tree. -
-- inserts the value provided into the tree, keeping it balanced. -
-- deletes the value provided if it is in the tree, keeping it balanced afterwards. Returns nil if the value is not found. -
-- searches through the tree to find the value provided. Returns nil if the value is not found -
-- traverses the tree in breadth-first level order and yields each node to the provided block. Returns an array of values if no block is given. Also uses an array acting as a queue to keep track of all the child nodes that it has yet to traverse and will add new ones to the list when needed. This version uses recursion, while#level_order_iteration(&block)
uses iteration. -
-- traverses the tree in depth-first using inorder traversal and yields each node to the provided block. Returns an array of values if no block is given. -
-- traverses the tree in depth-first using preorder traversal and yields each node to the provided block. Returns an array of values if no block is given. -
-- traverses the tree in depth-first using postorder traversal and yields each node to the provided block. Returns an array of values if no block is given. -
-- accepts the value of a node on the tree and returns its height. Height is defined as the number of edges in longest path from a given node to a leaf node. Returns nil if the value isn't found on the tree. -
-- accepts the value of a node on the tree and returns its depth. Depth is defined as the number of edges in path from a given node to the tree’s root node. Returns nil if the value isn't found on the tree. -
-- checks if the tree is balanced. A balanced tree is one where the difference between heights of left subtree and right subtree of every node is not more than 1. Returns true or fals. -
-- rebalances an unbalanced tree.