This website is about service provider. The feature of this website is here->
- any logged in user can post a service
- any logged in user can book any service
- service provider can update and delete his service if needed
- user who book any service can see the status of his booked service
- provider only can update the status from his to do route
- Provider can not update the status of the service if the service has completed
live site link: server repo link :
category -> Electronic Item Repairing Services
to run this project to your local machine use this steps
- clone the project
- use npm i command to install all the package
- create a folder named .local.env and add there (VITE_APIKEY,VITE_AUTHDOMAIN,VITE_PROJECTID,VITE_STORAGEBUCKET,VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID,VITE_APPID) value of your own firebase config