Software for Arduino Uno/Nano to control 8x8 dot matrix LED based on MAX7219 ICs in FC-16 boards with led matrix model 1088AS
- Configurable matrix size by attaching multiple LED Matrixes
- Configurable marquees and animations to display
- Interactive games using joystick: Snake~~ and Tetris~~
- Arduino Uno/Nano or compatible
- 8x8 dot matrix LEDs model 1088AS with MAX7219 in FC-16 boards
- Battery or USB powerbank [ 5V, +2000 mAh ]
- Joystick analog 2-Axis with button for interaction with games
The software is splitted into Abstraction Layers so the responsability of each layer are very limited and will make easier the growth and maintenance of the project in a Architectural point of view. Using a objected-oriented language such as C++ accepted by Arduino, makes the implementation closer to this approach.
Dependencies: Needs to have access to Arduino-Generic-Libraries/lib in this same repository
| |--LM_Game
| | |- CLedGame_Tetris.cpp
| | |- CLedGame_Snake.cpp
| | |- CLedGame.cpp
| | |- CLedGame.h
| | |- CLedGameController.h
| |--LM_Marquee
| | |- CLedMarquee.cpp
| | |- CLedMarquee.h
| | |- CLedEyes.cpp
| | |- CLedEyes.h
| |- main.cpp
| |- main.h
|- platformio.ini
| |--Common_Lib
| |--Joystick_Lib
| |--MD_MAX72XX
| |--LowerPower
| |--TrueRandom
| |--LinkedList
Two-matrix leds backpart | Assembly for Snake game |
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