Welcome to the Online Shop project! This project is an online shop application built using Flask for the backend, React Admin (Node.js) for the frontend, and frontend technologies such as HTML/CSS.
This project is an online shop application aiming to provide users with a seamless shopping experience. The backend is developed with Flask, handling various functionalities like user authentication, product management, and order processing. The frontend is built using React Admin, a Node.js framework, to create an interactive and user-friendly interface. HTML and CSS are used for the frontend design.
- Backend: Flask
- Frontend: React Admin (Node.js), HTML, CSS
- Database: [Sqlite Studio]
- Design Prototyping: Figma
[activity-ERD-C4-sequence-state Diagrams by mermaid and generate Ai UML]
mermaid: https://mermaid.js.org/
[The database system was designed with Sqlite Studio software]
download exe Sqlite Studio: https://sqlitestudio.pl/