Image classification models: Machine learning model using Support Vector Machine vs Deep learning model using CNN
Training dataset: Caltech-UCSD-Birds-200-2011 dataset which contains 11,788 images of 200 bird species. The dataset is divided into 3 subset: training, validation, and testing subsets with the ratio 60:20:20 respectively.
For more information about the dataset, visit the project website:
If you use the dataset in a publication, please cite the dataset in the style described on the dataset website (see url above).
- images/ The images organized in subdirectories based on species. See IMAGES AND CLASS LABELS section below for more info.
Images are contained in the directory images/, with 200 subdirectories (one for each bird species)
------- List of image files (images.txt) ------ The list of image file names is contained in the file images.txt, with each line corresponding to one image:
------- List of class names (classes.txt) ------ The list of class names (bird species) is contained in the file classes.txt, with each line corresponding to one class:
------- Image class labels (image_class_labels.txt) ------ The ground truth class labels (bird species labels) for each image are contained in the file image_class_labels.txt, with each line corresponding to one image:
<image_id> <class_id>
Each image contains a single bounding box label. Bounding box labels are contained in the file bounding_boxes.txt, with each line corresponding to one image:
where <image_id> corresponds to the ID in images.txt, and , , , and are all measured in pixels