import pprint
from osdf import OSDF
server = "server.ip.dns.address"
username = "user"
password = "password"
port = 8123
osdf = OSDF(server, username, password, port)
info = osdf.get_info()
To establish a connection to an instance of OSDF that is encrypted by operating with an SSL certificate, simply pass the a named ssl parameter set to true.
osdf = OSDF(server, username, password, port, ssl=True)
info = osdf.get_info()
"api_version": "0.1",
"title": "EXAMPLE-OSDF",
"description": "Open Science Data Framework (OSDF)",
"admin_contact_email1": "",
"admin_contact_email2": "",
"technical_contact1": "",
"technical_contact2": "",
"comment1": "comment1",
"comment2": "comment2"
One is able to retrieve a node by ID easily.
node = osdf.get_node(node_id)
OSDF maintains the history of nodes as they change over time from edit to edit. To retrieve a particular node at a specific version number, simply pass the versoin number (as well as the node id of interest) to the get_node_by_version() function.
node = osdf.get_node_by_version(node_id, version)
Sometimes its useful to check if a document validates against the OSDF instance to verify if the metadata in the document passes all the structural integrity and other requirements. To validate a document, use the validate_node() function, and pass the JSON data as an argument. The return is a tuple with the first value containing a boolean with the result of the validation, and the second value will contain the error message (if the document was not valid).
(is_valid, error) = osdf.validate_node(json_data)
The creation/insertion of a new node returns the node's ID.
document = {
"ns": "test",
"acl": { "read": [ "all" ], "write": [ "all" ] },
"linkage": {},
"node_type": "example",
"meta": {
"description": "something",
"color": "blue"
node_id = osdf.insert_node(document)
Updates an existing node document with new/edited data. OSDF will save the older data to the node's history, and it will be available for retrieval by version number. The provided node data must contain the node ID as well as the current version number of the node, so as to avoid conflicts with others that may be attempting to edit that document.
To delete a node, simply call the delete_node() function. This action also removes the historical information associated with that node (previous versions).
namespace = "test"
query = '{ "query": { "term": { "node_type": "example" }} }'
first_page_results = osdf.query(namespace, query)
# If there are more than 1 "page" of results, additional results
# can be obtained...
second_page_results = osdf.query(namespace, query, 2)
To retrieve ALL results by aggregating all the available pages of results
all_results = osdf.query_all_pages(namespace, query)
OSDF also supports a simplified query language called OQL (OSDF Query Language). To issue an OQL query:
namespace = "test"
query = '"example"[node_type]'
first_page_results = osdf.oql_query(namespace, query, 1)
# If there are more than 1 "page" of results, additional results
# can be obtained...
second_page_results = osdf.oql_query(namespace, query, 2)
To retrieve ALL results by aggregating all the available pages of results
all_results = osdf.oql_query_all_pages(namespace, query)
Namespaces can impose controls on the JSON data contained in their nodes according to the nodetype. To retrieve the complete set of registered schemas for a particular namespace, use the get_schemas() function:
schemas = osdf.get_schemas(namespace)
If a node type has a JSON-Schema associated with it, that specific schema can be queried from OSDF using the get_schema() function by passing the name of namespace as well as the name of the schema/node_type.
schema = osdf.get_schema(namespace, schema_name)
Schemas can share JSON-Schema fragments between them in order to avoid duplication. These schema fragements are referred to as auxiliary schemas, and are also retrievable with the get_aux_schema() function by passing the namespace and auxiliary schema name.
aux_schema = osdf.get_aux_schema(namespace, aux_schema_name)