ProxyChecker will check if one or more proxy servers are up and running.
sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/bin/ProxyChecker
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ProxyChecker
sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/ProxyChecker
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/ProxyChecker
Download it from here.
git clone && cd simple-proxy-checker
sudo chmod a+rx ProxyChecker
Usage: ProxyChecker [OPTIONS] IP:PORT [IP:PORT IP:PORT...]
-h, --help: This screen
-f, --file: Get proxies from file (e.g. -f proxy_list.txt)
-o, --output: Output file for all the working proxies (e.g. -o output.txt)
-t, --time: Maximum waiting time for a connection to the proxy (e.g. -t 10)
Example: ProxyChecker -f proxylist.txt -o working.txt
- All proxies must be of the form IP:PORT, if it's not then the program skips to the next proxy on the list
- It is not recommended to set the waiting time below 5 seconds
- Only working proxies will be written to the output file