This repository contains my projects developed during my internship as an Android Developer at CodeSoft. It includes four different apps, each focusing on different Android functionalities using Kotlin and XML. The apps are built specifically for Android and showcase my ability to work with various components like UI, notifications, and timers.
- Alertify - An Alarm Application
- Clock - A Timer, Stopwatch, and Clock App
- Quote App - Displays Random Inspirational Quotes
- To-Do Task - A Daily Task List Manager
- Clone this repository to your local machine using:
git clone
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the individual apps on an Android emulator or a physical device.
- Alertify - Alarm App
- Description: This app allows users to set alarms with custom times, repeat options, and notification sounds.
- Features:
- Set one-time and recurring alarms.
- Custom notification sounds.
- Snooze functionality.
- Simple and intuitive UI.
- Clock - Timer, Stopwatch, and Clock App
- Description: A versatile app that offers a timer, stopwatch, and digital clock functionality.
- Features:
- Timer with customizable durations.
- Stopwatch with start, pause, and reset functionality.
- Real-time digital clock display.
- Quote App - Random Quote Generator
- Description: Displays random inspirational or motivational quotes on the screen.
- Features:
- Shows random quotes from an array.
- Allows users to share quotes with others.
- Simple and minimalistic design.
- To-Do Task - Daily Task Manager
- Description: A simple to-do list app to manage your daily tasks.
- Features:
- Add, edit, and delete tasks.
- Mark tasks as completed.
- Task persistence using local storage.