The SaloonKeeper is a full CRUD, full-stack application that provides a simple solution for product accountability.
With this application, users can track ordered inventory, keep a running product list, verify counted product amounts and cost of goods sold to better understand how inventory impacts sales and profits. It’s time to replace mountains and mountains of spreadsheets with a flexible platform that connects each step of inventory management. From taking counts to providing data to help cost drinks, The SaloonKeeper can help strengthen your bar program.
Create a database named "saloon-keeper".
The queries in the database.sql file are set up to create all the necessary tables and populate the needed data to allow the application to run correctly.
Open up your editor of choice and run an npm install
- Clone this repo.
- Set up a database called saloon-keeper in Postgres. Using the database.sql file, create all the tables, add the Alter Tables commands, and then add all the data.
- In your code editing program's terminal, run 'npm install' as a terminal command.
- Run npm run server in your terminal.
- Run npm run client in your terminal.
- Navigate to localhost:3000
- Explore the application!
Thank you to Prime Digital Academy for the guidance and support in creating this project.