This project is made to fulfill the criteria to pass Pemograman Integrative course, lectured by Indra Aulia.
This project is made by 8 students, combined from 2 groups:
First Group:
- Felipe
- Christina
- Michael
- Vincent
The first group is responsible for defining business requirements and UI/UX contract for this project.
Second Group:
- Dwiki Affandi (191402011)
- Adela Nopriana Purba (191402017)
- Alya Syafitri (191402047)
- Jason Surya Faylim (191402062)
The second group is responsible for creating API documentation and implementation by using Laravel.
Notable technologies used in this project to ease development:
- PHP 8.0.19
- Composer
- MySQL 8 / MaraDB 10.3
- Clone this repository.
- run
composer install
- Copy .env.example and rename to .env
- Configure the .env file. Main area of interest is database configuration.
- run
php artisan key:generate
- run
php artisan jwt:secret
- run
php artisan serve
to run development server.