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Releases: JamesPartsafas/ConcordiaCurriculumManager


04 Apr 21:40
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This iteration prepared for the final release by finishing off remaining features, polishing the site, and fixing any remaining bugs or loose ends. The password reset feature was completed, as well as the message deletion feature, the “Remember Me” feature, the metrics viewer, and the course grouping publish feature. The web scraper was built out and used to scrape data for the engineering courses at Concordia. Stakeholder feedback was implemented with new confirmation boxes when removing subgroupings for curriculums, and various bugs were fixed, including a bug where groupings would not be shown on subsequent page loads on the change-log page.


22 Mar 02:55
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This iteration finalized the dossier consistency concerns throughout the review process, updating existing dossiers in created and in-review states when a dossier is accepted, to prevent inconsistent dossier states. Additionally, a review message editing feature was implemented. Various UI improvements were made, including improved navigation across various pages and a correct displaying of the course grouping creation page on page load. Additionally, endpoints were created for gathering metric data for the site, in the process of rounding out the final features that will be available to users.


08 Mar 03:14
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This iteration focused on the review process of course groupings, allowing the groupings to be approved as part of a dossier and creating an endpoint to view and publish them once they are approved, and the frontend portion of course grouping creation requests were also implemented. As part of these improvements to the review process, bugs were fixed to allow reviewers to modify dossiers. Course groupings will now also be displayed in the dossier report page. Infrastructural concerns were addressed, such as deleting old logs to clear space and updating certain pipeline dependencies, and UI improvements were made, including adding visual feedback to many user actions across pages like the dossier viewer and manageable groups page.


23 Feb 15:56
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This iteration allowed for much development on the frontend part of course groupings, with course grouping deletion requests being fully functional and course grouping creation requests having most of their functionality built out. The frontend was also improved to allow the publishing of changed courses. Work was done on the backend creating methods that will allow for consistency checks when accepting a dossier, to pave the way to allowing course grouping changes to be accepted by the system without introducing inconsistencies. In addition, a browser page was created to sort through various browsers on the site, with a new group browser and a browser for groupings by name being added and linked to this page.


09 Feb 19:19
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This iteration involved a rapid response to stakeholder feedback, in particular the creation and completion of 2 full features: the first to track the approval history of a dossier, and the second a method to browse through all dossiers in the system. In addition to this, much work was done surrounding curriculums, such as endpoints to create them, as well as pages listing curriculums by school and displaying curriculum details, to allow the team to better gain a handle on handling these curriculums on the frontend. Email notifications were advanced dramatically, now being sent to users in many relevant situations and being appropriately styled. Finally, a changelog page was also made, to display approved changes from across all dossiers.


26 Jan 17:33
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This iteration was focused on refining existing features for the second official release of the project, such as by ensuring dossier states can remain consistent with each other when a different dossier is accepted, implementing reply functionality to dossier review comments, and adding navigation buttons and icons where applicable for improved useability. The course browser and viewer as well as the manageable groups page were finalized. The dossier report page was implemented. Advancements were made in curriculum and course grouping functionality, including a new endpoint that allows curriculums to be queried by school or searched by name.


12 Jan 21:32
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This iteration began the implementation of curriculums on the backend, with the associated data models being created and an endpoint being made to query them, as well as putting in some seed data. Email notifications were set up, currently running to inform an initiator when their dossier is approved. In addition, forms for the submission of dossiers were implemented on the frontend, which use the endpoints created during iteration 5. There were various bug fixes such as disallowing duplicate requests within a dossier or fixing an admin login-related race condition and miscellaneous UI work was done throughout the site, such as now having a component to compare different versions of the course, styling the 404 page, and having an “All Messages” tab in the dossier review page.


29 Dec 22:53
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This iteration was focused on implementing much of the dossier review functionality, including forwarding, returning, and rejecting dossiers, as well as reviewing dossiers through discussion messages. Permissions for dossier modifications were also changed to allow reviewers to modify dossiers, in-line with project requirements. The UI was modified to clearly display the states of different dossiers, including those requiring the user’s review. Refactors for form handling were implemented as well, as well as advancements in the course browser.


01 Dec 22:01
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This iteration was focused on finalizing the course request functionality. All functionality relating to initializing and managing course deletion requests are complete, but some work remains for course creation and modification requests. Additionally, the backend components relating to dossier submission and the data model for the approval pipeline have been set up, to aid in further work in iteration 6. Additionally, admin controls over the group masters has also been finalized and admins are also able to create groups. Initial seed data for the existing groups at Concordia has been placed into the system.


11 Nov 02:28
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This iteration was focused on preparing the project for its initial release, as well as laying foundations for future progress. Thus, much work was done modifying the fields available for course creation requests, including allowing supporting file uploads and the user interface was improved with a dossier details page. Additionally, course deletion requests were implemented. Administrator functionality was expanded, with admins and group masters now being able to add and remove users from groups. Data relating to course references was seeded to allow conflict detection in future sprints and the logging system was modified to better persist the logs in production environments.