Example of RPN:
1 2 * 3 4 * *
This is the equivalent in regular notation:
(1 * 2) * (3 * 4)
Numbers are ingested, converted into a double representation and then pushed onto a stack. This stack is implemented using a regular C array that is where the farthest most element is the top of the stack.
This program runs from command line arguments.
Example usage:
./main "1 SIN"
The following mathematical functions are supported:
- ASIN (arcsin)
- ACOS (arccos)
- ATAN (arctan)
- ADD ('+')
- SUB ('-')
- MUL ('-')
- DIV ('-')
- MOD ('%')
These operands are considered keywords, therefore they cannot be used for variable assignment.
through MOD
are called using the character adjacent to the operand code name.
If a number is pushed onto the stack and one of these operands are misspelled, then the program will throw a GARBAGE
operand code, which will then signal an error message and subsequent clearing of the stack.
The following stack operations are supported:
- Take the top most element off the stack
- See the top most element of the stack without modifying the stack pointer
- Swap the top two most elements with each other
- Make a copy of the stack
The way we set a variable can be seen in the following example:
10 =variable
Please note that the value of the variable needs to precede the =variable
The value is pushed onto the stack as it can be used for other operations.
If nothing else comes after the variable assignment, the stack will be cleared.
We can retrieve variables with the symbol ?
as seen here:
Where the value of variable is retrieved from a hash table containing a key (variable name) and a subsequent value (value assigned above)
Both of these can be chained together in one line like so:
10 =variable
10 =variable_two
?variable ?variable_two * =variable_three
Here we assign both variable
and variable_two
to contain 10, then we multiply the result and store that value into variable_three
We can now see the value of of variable_three
by calling PEEK
without altering the stack.
The only constant currently supported is pi which can be called by PI
and will be pushed to the stack