A bash script test file generator that fills files with random data in a single directory or a directory tree.
- Includes a calculator for creating data in directory trees. [Option -C]
- Will create a single file to directory tress of files, minimum file size = 2 bytes
- Files can be identical or individully filled with random content.
- File contents can either be printable or binary (from /dev/urandom)
- Files sizes can be identical or randomly sized within a given range.
- Run either interactively or unaccompanied in batch mode.
TFileCreate -C
User Inputs: Tree depth, width, number files per directory and file size
Output: Summary, tables of data trees of current and smaller trees. Tables contain data size and file numbers for each tree
- File contents are binary. Use -P or -D for creating compressable printable data
- If all files same size then contents will also be identical. Use -r option to randomise file contents.
- A time stamped output directory is created in users current directory. Alternatively use another directory with the -o option
- Interactive mode, requires confirmation to proceed after providing user with a summary. See examples.
OPTIONS: Manditory
- -d Depth of tree, minimum -d 1 (a single directory)
- -f or -l File size, minimum 2 bytes
- -n Number files per directory, minimum 1 file
OPTIONS : Directory Layout
For the following, n is a number, minimum is 1
- -n n Number of files in each directory.
- -d n Depth. How many directories deep.
- -w n Width. How many directories wide.
Create single directory: -d 1 (-w if set, will be ignored)
Create tree of directories:
- Depth min is -d 2
- Width min is -w 1 and manditory
OPTIONS : File Size and Content
Fixed File Size
- File sizes have to be designated by B, K, M or G. Minimum is 2B (2 bytes). Example 2KiB = 2K, 3MiB = 3M 4GiB = 4G
- -f Fixed file size, default [usage: -f 2K]
NOTE: Default content for fixed file size of printable data is: ALL FILES ARE IDENTICAL, use
- -r Random content is generated individually for every file.
Random File Size
- All files individually filled with random content.
- -s Smallest file size.
- -l Largest file size.
- If -s is omitted, the random range starts at 2B (2 bytes) if largest file size is <1G or 1M (1MiB) if largest file size is >= 1G
OPTIONS: Optional
-P n Where n is a nuber in the range 1 to 95. Selects the pool of printable characters from the ASCI set.
- n = 1 files only contain the uppercase 'A'
- n = 2 to 26 files only contain lowercase Latin alphabet characters
- n >26 files contain printable ASCI characters. Max n = 95
-D n Where n is a number in the range 1 to 10. Selects the pool of digit charcters from the ASCI set.
- n = 1 files only contain zeros '0'
- n > 1 files contain digits. Max n = 10
-o Output to directory that already exists.
-r Random content for fixed file sizes.
-o Output to an existing directory.
- Defaults to current working directory
- Creates a new time stamped directory for content (tfc_YYMMDD_hhmm_ss).
-b Batch/quiet run with no user checks. Default is interactive with user input.
- None. In batch mode user has to redirect output to a file
- Progress indicated by time stamping every ten directories filled with files.
Data creation bails out before any data creation if:
- The number of directories to be created exceeds 100 million
- The number of files to be created exceeds 100 million
- If the 'shuf' command is not available
- if the -c option not avaiable for the 'head' command.
If the 'seq' command is not avaiable. The character pool will not be displayed in the inital summary. The seq command is not required for file creation.
Binary data is generated from /dev/urandom. This data will not compress that well. Binary data that is stored/transmitted may render data deduplication and compression ineffective.
Validate contents: all Files:
od -N <bytes> -Ax -t x1z <file name>
- Where <bytes> is the number to check from beginning of file.
- Non-printable characters will appear as "dots"
Validate printable character distribution:
od -a <file name> | cut -b 9- | tr " " \\n | egrep -v "^$" | sort | uniq -c
sed 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' <file name> | sort | uniq -c
- Column 1 : Character count
- Column 2 : Character being counted. This column should only contain a single charcter, if not then file contents is binary data.
Validate printable character pool count:
od -a <file name> | cut -b 9- | tr " " \\n | egrep -v "^$" | sort | uniq -c | wc -l
sed 's/\(.\)/\1\n/g' <file name> | sort | uniq -c | wc -l
TFileCreate -P 28 -d 3 -w 5 -f 15M -n 50
DIRECTORTY TREE each directory contains 5 directories and 50 files
The tree is 3 levels deep
Output: /home/ted/test/tfc_240930-1759-37
All files with identical contents
Files created are all 15M
Storage used...... 22.71G (max potential)
File Contents..... Random selection from the 28 char set: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<
Total data directories........30
Total data files............1550
Do you want to proceed? (y/n)
TFileCreate -D 5 -d 1 -f 600K -n 1000 -r -o /home/ted/test
SINGLE DIRECTORY containing 1000 files
Output: /home/ted/test/tfc_240930-1802-53
Random data created individually for all files
Files created are all 600K
Storage used...... 585.94M (max potential)
File Contents..... Random selection from the 5 digit set: 01234
Total data directories.........1
Total data files............1000
Do you want to proceed? (y/n)