Hello! My name is Joelson, and I'm a web development enthusiast. I graduated in Analysis and Systems Development from Anhanguera College in the first semester of 2024. Additionally, I'm focused on enhancing my skills as a Full Stack developer, with an emphasis on JavaScript, React, typescript and Node.js.
These are some of the technologies and tools that I have experience in my daily life:
- Front-End
- Back-End
- Tools and Plataforms
- 📚 Studying JavaScript, React,typescript and Node.js
- 🎓 Graduated a degree in Analysis and Systems Development at Anhanguera (Graduation: Mid-2024)
- 📖 Completed the Fullstack Pro course by DEVCLUB
- 🚀 Participating in the Explorer and Ignite programs by Rocketseat
- 💡 Exploring development challenges and solving problems
- 🌐 Contributing to open-source projects
- Burger Interface: https://github.com/JoelsonLopes/burgerInterface
- Focus Timer: https://github.com/JoelsonLopes/focus-timer-2.0
I'm excited about the idea of collaborating and contributing to the open-source community. If you have an interesting project or any collaboration ideas, please feel free to reach out to me. Let's build amazing things together!