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Add i-PI server calculator and update i-PI driver to AB v0.4 (#31)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* driver update

* initial server draft

* AtomsCalculators interface and some fixes

* ipi server working

* fixes

* tests

* update tests

* fix unixsocket

* add doc string for server

* fix
  • Loading branch information
tjjarvinen authored Sep 19, 2024
1 parent d56e6b1 commit f3b130e
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Showing 3 changed files with 241 additions and 22 deletions.
210 changes: 188 additions & 22 deletions src/ipi/ipi_interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,9 +9,18 @@ using Unitful
using UnitfulAtomic

export run_driver
export IPIcalculator

const hdrlen = 12
const pos_type = typeof(SVector(1., 1., 1.)u"bohr") #should be bohr

# Define context untits for better conversions
const bohr = Unitful.ContextUnits(u"bohr", u"Å")
const hartree = Unitful.ContextUnits(u"hartree", u"eV")

const pos_type = typeof( zero( SVector{3, Float64} ) * bohr )
const force_el_type = typeof( zero( SVector{3, Float64} ) * (hartree/bohr) )
const virial_type = typeof( zero( SMatrix{3, 3, Float64} ) * hartree )

function sendmsg(comm, message; nbytes=hdrlen)
@info "Sending message" message
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,42 +60,94 @@ function recvinit(comm)

function send_init(comm)
@info "Sending INIT"
write(comm, one(Int32))
str = "ok"
write(comm, sizeof(str))
write(comm, str)
return true

function recvposdata(comm)
raw_cell = read(comm, 9*8)
raw_icell = read(comm, 9*8) # drop this (inverce cell)
raw_cell = read(comm, 9*sizeof(Float64))
raw_icell = read(comm, 9*sizeof(Float64)) # drop this (inverce cell)
natoms = read(comm, Int32)
raw_pos = read(comm, 8*3*natoms)
raw_pos = read(comm, sizeof(Float64)*3*natoms)
data_cell = reinterpret(pos_type, raw_cell)
data_pos = reinterpret(pos_type, raw_pos)
@info "Position data recieved"
return (;
:cell => Vector(data_cell),
:cell => Tuple(Vector(data_cell)),
:positions => Vector(data_pos) # clean type a little bit

function send_pos_data(comm, sys)
@info "Sending position data"
box_tmp = vcat(bounding_box(sys)...)
box = (Float64 ustrip).(u"bohr", box_tmp)
write(comm, box)
write(comm, zeros(3,3) ) #inverse cell that is to be dropped
l = length(sys)
write(comm, Int32(l) )
pos = map( 1:l ) do i
SVector{3, Float64}(ustrip.(u"bohr", position(sys, i)))
write(comm, pos)
@info "Position data sent"
return true

function sendforce(comm, e::Number, forces::AbstractVector, virial::AbstractMatrix)
etype = (eltype eltype)(forces)
f_tmp = reinterpret(reshape, etype, forces)
sendmsg(comm, "FORCEREADY")
write(comm, ustrip(u"hartree", e) )
write(comm, (Float64 ustrip)(u"hartree", e) )
write(comm, Int32( length(forces) ) )
write(comm, ustrip.(u"hartree/bohr", f_tmp) )
write(comm, ustrip.(u"hartree", virial) )
write(comm, (Float64 ustrip).(u"hartree/bohr", f_tmp) )
write(comm, (Float64 ustrip).(u"hartree", virial) )

# Send single byte at end to make sure we are alive
write(comm, one(Int32) )
write(comm, zero(UInt8) )

function recv_force(comm)
sendmsg(comm, "GETFORCE")
mess = recvmsg(comm)
if mess == "FORCEREADY"
@info "Recieving forces"
e = read(comm, Float64)
n = read(comm, Int32)
f_raw = read(comm, sizeof(Float64)*3*n)
v_raw = read(comm, sizeof(Float64)*9)

# Reading end message that is dropped
i = read(comm, Int32)
_ = read(comm, i)

f = reinterpret(force_el_type, f_raw) |> Vector
v = reinterpret(virial_type, v_raw)[1]
return (
energy = e * hartree,
forces = f,
virial = v
error("Expected \"FORCEREADY\", but received \"$mess\"")

run_driver(address, calculator, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false )
run_driver(address, calculator, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false, basename="/tmp/ipi_" )
Connect I-PI driver to server at given `address`. Use kword `port` (default 31415) to
specify port. If kword `unixsocket` is true, `address` is understood to be the name of the socket
and `port` option is ignored.
specify port. If kword `unixsocket` is true, `basename*address` is understood to be the name of the socket
and `port` option is ignored.
You need to give initial structure as I-PI protocol does not transfer atom symbols.
This means that, if you want to change the number of atoms or their symbols, you need
Expand All @@ -95,22 +156,21 @@ to lauch a new driver.
Calculator events are logged at info level by default. If you do not want them to be logged,
change logging status for IPI module.
function run_driver(address, calc, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false )
function run_driver(address, calc, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false, basename="/tmp/ipi_" )
if unixsocket
comm = connect("/tmp/ipi_"*address)
comm = connect(basename*address)
comm = connect(address, port)
has_init = true # we have init structure as an input
has_data = false
data = nothing

masses = atomic_mass(init_structure)
symbols = atomic_symbol(init_structure)
anumbers = atomic_number(init_structure)
positions = position(init_structure)
cell = bounding_box(init_structure)
pbc = boundary_conditions(init_structure)
pbc = periodicity(init_structure)
masses = mass(init_structure, :)
atom_species = species(init_structure, :)
positions = position(init_structure, :)
box = bounding_box(init_structure)

while true
Expand All @@ -132,9 +192,9 @@ function run_driver(address, calc, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false
elseif header == "POSDATA"
pos = recvposdata(comm)
positions = pos[:positions]
cell = pos[:cell]
@assert length(symbols) == length(positions) "received amount of position data does no match the atomic symbol data"
system = FastSystem(cell, pbc, positions, symbols, anumbers, masses)
box = pos[:cell]
@assert length(atom_species) == length(positions) "received amount of position data does no match the atomic symbol data"
system = FastSystem(box, pbc, positions, atom_species, masses)
data = AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(system, calc)
has_data = true
elseif header == "GETFORCE"
Expand All @@ -151,3 +211,109 @@ function run_driver(address, calc, init_structure; port=31415, unixsocket=false


## Server specific part

IPIcalculator(address=ip""; port=31415, unixsocket=false, basename="/tmp/ipi_" )
Creates i-PI server that works as an AtomsCalculators compatible calculators
once i-PI driver has been connected.
By default the calculator will log protocol calls to the client. If you want to suppress these,
you need to change the logging level of IPI module.
# Args
- `address=ip""` - server address, if `unixsocket=true` is considered as unixsocket address
# Kwargs
- `basename="/tmp/ipi_"` - prefixed to address if `unixsocket=true`
- `port=31415` - network port the server is using
- `unixsocket=false` - use unixsocket for the connection
mutable struct IPIcalculator{TS, TC}
function IPIcalculator(address=ip""; port=31415, unixsocket=false, basename="/tmp/ipi_" )
server, sock = start_ipi_server(address; port=port, unixsocket=unixsocket, basename=basename)
new{typeof(server), typeof(sock)}(server, sock)

function start_ipi_server(address; port=31415, unixsocket=false, basename="/tmp/ipi_", tries=5 )
@info "Starting i-PI server"
server = nothing
if unixsocket
server = listen(basename*address)
server = listen(address, port)
get_connection(server; tries=tries) # returns server, socket

function get_connection(server; tries=5)
sock = accept(server)
i = 1
while isopen(sock) || i < tries
sendmsg(sock, "STATUS")
mess = recvmsg(sock)
if mess == "NEEDINIT"
sendmsg(sock, "INIT")
elseif mess == "READY"
return server, sock
i += 1
sock = accept(server)
error("Could not form a connection to a working i-PI driver")

function AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(sys, ipi::IPIcalculator; kwargs...)
if ! isopen(ipi.sock)
@info "reconnecting to i-PI driver"
_, sock = get_connection(ipi.server)
ipi.sock = sock
sendmsg(ipi.sock, "POSDATA")
send_pos_data(ipi.sock, sys)
sendmsg(ipi.sock, "STATUS")
mess = recvmsg(ipi.sock)
if mess == "HAVEDATA"
return recv_force(ipi.sock)
error("Expected \"HAVEDATA\", but received \"$mess\"")

AtomsCalculators.@generate_interface function AtomsCalculators.potential_energy(sys, ipi::IPIcalculator; kwargs...)
tmp = AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(sys, ipi)

AtomsCalculators.@generate_interface function AtomsCalculators.forces(sys, ipi::IPIcalculator; kwargs...)
tmp = AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(sys, ipi)
return tmp.forces

AtomsCalculators.@generate_interface function AtomsCalculators.virial(sys, ipi::IPIcalculator; kwargs...)
tmp = AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(sys, ipi)
return tmp.virial

function AtomsCalculators.energy_forces(sys, ipi::IPIcalculator; kwargs...)
tmp = AtomsCalculators.energy_forces_virial(sys, ipi)
return tmp

AtomsCalculators.energy_unit(::IPIcalculator) = hartree
AtomsCalculators.length_unit(::IPIcalculator) = bohr
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,5 +9,6 @@ using Unitful
@testset "AtomsCalculatorsUtilities.jl" begin
@testset "Calculators" begin include("test_calculators.jl") end
@testset "PairPotentials" begin include("test_pairpotential.jl") end
@testset "i-PI driver and server" begin include("test_ipi.jl") end
# @testset "FD Tests" begin include("test_fdtests.jl") end
52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions test/test_ipi.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using AtomsBase
using AtomsCalculators
using AtomsCalculators.Testing
using AtomsCalculatorsUtilities.IPI
using AtomsCalculatorsUtilities.PairPotentials
using Unitful
using Base.Threads

hydrogen = isolated_system([
:H => [0.1, 0, 0.]u"Å",
:H => [0, 0, 1.]u"Å",
:H => [4., 0, 0.]u"Å",
:H => [4., 1., 0.]u"Å"

box = (
[10.0, 0., 0.]u"Å",
[0.0, 10., 0.]u"Å",
[0.0, 0., 10.]u"Å",

pbc = (false, false, false)

hydrogen = FlexibleSystem(hydrogen[:], bounding_box=box, periodicity=pbc)

V = SimplePairPotential(
x-> (x-0.9)^2-1,

ipi_future = @spawn IPIcalculator(port=33415)
sleep(1) # we need to yeald to start the server

ipi_driver = @spawn run_driver("", V, hydrogen; port=33415)
sleep(1) # we need to yeald to connect to the server

calc = fetch(ipi_future)


test_energy_forces_virial(hydrogen, calc)

@test AtomsCalculators.potential_energy(hydrogen, V) AtomsCalculators.potential_energy(hydrogen, calc)
f_v = AtomsCalculators.forces(hydrogen, V)
f_ipi = AtomsCalculators.forces(hydrogen, calc)
@test all( isapprox.(f_v, f_ipi) )
@test AtomsCalculators.virial(hydrogen, V) AtomsCalculators.virial(hydrogen, calc)

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