The VvE App is intended as a central place for sharing information within a specific VvE. The app was commissioned by Hicham Ben Yessef.
Execute in 3 directories
npm install
Serving the web application
ng serve
Serving the mobile application (Emulator needs to be running)
expo start --android
or expo start --ios
or expo start
Serving the api
npm run start
Building the web application
ng build --prod
Building the mobile application
We don't know yet
Building the api
npm run build
Here you can find extra information regarding using the whole project.
The api documentation is found when the api is running under http://localhost:3000/api-docs
Documentation is added in the documentation folder within yaml files.
Using npm run docu
wil process the yaml files and generate the json located in util/swagger.json.
The swagger.json file is hosted by the api not the yaml files those are for easy and clean documenting.
For running the api in production, PM2 and are used.
- Starting the api
npm run prodstart
- Stopping the api
npm run prodstop
The setup is in the ./API/ecosystem.config.js where an automatic command for git updates is.
Running the tests
npm run test
- DATABASE_URL= mongodb://user:password@url:port/database?authSource=admin
- ACCESS_TOKEN= secret
- PORT=3000
- MAIL_PASS=password
The web application wil be working just like a website when application is build. The app needs to be build with react native and will output the needed file for android/ios (Ios can only be built on apple device).
Angular (Web application)
- Jasmine (Tests)
- Karma (Tool for tests)
- Compodoc (Documentation)
Nodejs (Api)
- Mongoose (ODM)
- Swagger (Documentation)
- Mocha (Testing)
React native (Mobile application)
- Esdoc (Documentation)
- Jest (Testing)
This application is made by Consultify.
- Jan van Overbeek
- Koen van der Marel
- Jeroen Bol
- Kaz Schraven
- Jordy Koemans
- Sander Scheenstra
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