If you are just starting using Git and GitHub then make sure you understand how and when to use the commands in BEGINNER_GIT.md.
The file INTERMEDIATE_GIT.md will be useful when you start creating branches and pushing them to GitHub. That file also has notes on Gists, GitHub pages, and other useful tips.
The file ADVANCED_GIT.md has useful notes on forking and cloning a open-soure repository for the purpose of contributing. It includes notes on:
- GitHub Issues
- Pull Requests
- Merge conflicts
- Undoing mistakes
- Detailed notes on specific git commands.
Finally, details.md describes the various commands in more detail.
The basic steps you need in the beginning are:
- Download and install Git (one time ony)
- Generate an SSH key to authenticate your machine with GitHub
- Create an empty repo on GitHub
- Initialize Git in a project folder
- Make changes or create a file
- Add the changes to staging
- Commit the changes
- Push your changes or project files to your repo
If you created any files on Github, then you will have to use git pull
before you can do a git push
. So in the beginning, don't create any files on GitHub.