A bot for getting money automatically in DankMemer Discord Bot
8 March 2025
- Added automatically buying hunting rifle when it gets broken
- Added Automatic tips disabler
- Fixed text on start button not changing
- Fixed disabled text with safe mode
- Requirements and pictures are now in resources folder
8 February 2025
2 February 2025
28 January 2025
- Fixed Stream command
- Now uses local time instead of a fixed timer
- Now user can press command buttons and it will force run the command (the timer won't reset)
- Beg command
- Hunt command
- Crime command
- Search command
- Postmemes command
- Stream command
- Automatically buy hunting rifle if it gets broken
- Check for tips
- Withdraw money if you don't have enough to buy hunting rifle
- Commands tab where you can toggle commands, adjust delay and setting a chance of writing it
- Change color of the current category so you can know what category is currently selected
- Automatically install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
For it to work you always have to be in the discord window.
Set to True if the stream feature is unlocked. To verify, use the command /stream in Dank Memer.
- Stream unlocked
Enables the option to keep the window on top of other windows.
- Window enabled
Doesn't type commands that could get you killed, like /search, to prevent you from losing money
- Safe mode
If commands do not register properly when typed normally (e.g., "/hunt"), increase this value.
- Load time
Key to toggle the bot
- Key
Override disabling tips by setting this to True. It is also available to set this in the GUI.
- Tips enabled
Main Menu
Settings Menu
Help Menu