Releases: KunoichiZ/SoVJP-NTR-Plugin
v6.0 Release
Thanks to ymyn for the cheats.
- Removed Move Distance Max code
New codes:
- Move Distance Max fix (is permenant when you save and does not need a button combination to activate)
- Instant support conversations
- Max Renown
- Attack Range 100 (seems to be permanent as well)
Press Select to access cheat menu
Press Y on some cheats in the cheat menu to view how they work.
Back up your save files with JKSM first
Also new!
The CIA that will download the latest version of the plugin is here!
Download it here.
Added a new code:
- Difficulty change (thanks to LinkmastrYT for giving me the code and to ymyn for making the code)
- Battle skills extension slot +8, renamed to Battke Skills Set by KunoichiZ (thanks to ymyn). Press Y on each individual skill list to what skills are in each cheat.
Skill List originally put together by ymyn, translated skill names credited to SciresM's list of skills).
Press Select in-game to open the cheat menu.
Added new codes (thanks to ymyn):
- Infinite item usage
- Instant Message
- Run through monsters in 3D dungeons
- Can quit from battle the first turn
- All classes selectable in class change
I am also working on a CIA that you can install that, when ran and the correct button is pressed, it will download the plugin to your SD card in the right folder.
Thanks to dsrules for pointing out the issue in the Get 100 EXP after battling enemy and change starting positions in preparations menu cheats.
- Renamed some cheats.
- Fixed the issue where the Get 100 EXP after battling enemy and change starting positions in preparations menu cheats weren't working properly.
Cheat plugin from the cheats in this post.
Cheats in this release:
- Get 100 EXP After Enemy Defeat (Start+Up ON, Start+Down: Off)
- Able to Control Enemy
- Infinite Movement
- Able to Trade Items with Enemy
- Well does not wither
- Anywhere starting position in preparations (including enemy)
- Able to use the convoy on anyone
- All status up by level up (Growth rate must be larger than 1%)
- Infinite Mira Gear uses