$ git clone https://github.com/L4zzur/spotify-to-telegram.git
$ cd spotify-to-telegram
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate (or .\venv\Scripts\activate on Windows)
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to my.telegram.org
- Authorize and click on API development tools
- Create an application and set the web type (you can specify any names; we only need api_id and api_hash):
Don't share these tokens with anyone.
- Go to Spotify Dashboard
- Log in and create a new application
- Go to the created application, and then to settings
- Change the Redirect URIs line to http://localhost:8888/callback
Don't share these tokens with anyone.
- Go to the script directory (step 2 from the installation)
- Run the script to configure (check you're has (venv)):
$ python setup.py
- Fill in all the necessary data that we received earlier, as requested by the script.
- Authorize Telegram account in terminal by following the instructions.
- After that, if you see empty line in the terminal and
New login
message from Telegram, stop the script with CTRL+C.
- Run script:
$ python main.py
- Proceed with the Spotify authorization (need to be done only once, but you need active login on Spotify in browser).
- Enjoy!
You can install the script on VPS/VDS using systemd insruction.