Builds with gcc tools in WSL 2 Ubuntu Jammy. Makefile included. Will build with cmake. Including vs2022 package as well.
To build with debugging:
- #define DEBUG_SCHED in Scheduler.h
- Pass -DDEBUG_SCHED=1 for make or =ON for cmake
This package includes implementations of three scheduling algorithms:
- FCFS: First Come First Serve
- SJF: Shortest Job First
- Priority: Highest priority job first
- [Contains the main entry and scheduler algorithms]
- Scheduler.h [header]
- pump.h [ProcessorPump class implementation]
- [Utilities]
- util.h [Header]
- types.h [common type definitions]
- Makefile [Used for compilation]
- README.txt [This file]
- debug.h
- [Quicksort implementations. Not in use currently.]
make: make
cmake: cmake <path_to_sauce>
make: make DEBUG_SCHED=1
cmake: cmake DEBUG_SCHED=ON <path_to_sauce>
./Scheduler file.csv
make DEUBG_SCHED=1 requires & debug.h which are not included in this package.
csv file must be in the following format:
<PID>,<Arrival_Time>,<Burst_Time>,<Priority [0-n] where n is lowest priority>