My own PHP database wrapper for easy query
[x] Make everything a preapred statement
[x] Put back the lastQuery, to check if the query is the same to need rePrepare it (it is faster)
[x] Make with so when a table is in another schema, the escapeWithBackSticks remove the dot from the string ( ex 'bob.table' => 'bob'.'table' )
[ ] Find a way to retrieve information like mysqli_info();
[x] Accept parameters for WHERE IN (? ? ? ?)
[ ] Set alias for table in the config
[ ] check $this->connection->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
with true
[ ] Add to .CSV method (or other type of file)
[ ] Re-do all
[ ] Change the execute
function to select
[ ] Delete this