Python bot to automates your social media interactions to like, comment and view stories on photos on Instagram, using webdrivers and scranping.
You can choose a list of users to like, comment or see stories.
Equipped with a control system for saving likes.
- Firefox - Browser Firefox
- Python 3+ - Pyhton 3.8+ verion
- Selenium - Selenium for web automation
- geckodriver - To scrape web page
Step 1: Install Firefox, Selenium and other requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Mac Os
$ brew install python@3.8
Step 2: Extract the downloaded driver onto a folder (Linux & Windows)
Read instruction in readme.txt in webdriver.
$ unzip file.gz
Mac Os
$ brew install geckodriver
Step 3: run using Python3
$ python3
- Automatic Reaction Stories
- Un-/Follow Users
- Find Multi-Hashtag