A program for Linux that uses the SFML graphical library. This is a checker game called Corners designed to entertain two players on the same device. The rules of the game are shown on the main application screen. Read only paragraph Easy way to build and run, if you could not build, then read all the way to the end, starting with paragraph Requirements
- First of all, run the console from the "tools" directory.
- Next, install the necessary programs and build the project, using the bash build.sh command.
- Lastly, you can run the game with the bash game.sh command.
The main thing you need to run is to have SFML version 2.5.1 or higher installed on your computer. You can install it with the command sudo apt-get install libsfml-dev or see the installation guide, on the official website https://www.sfml-dev.org/index.php
- To build a project, you need to make a "build" directory in the project folder with the command mkdir build.
- Then move into it with the command cd build.
- Next, you need to run cmake .. command inside "build" directory.
- Finally, use the make command to compile, link the project, and create an executable.
If project was build successfully, you can run it, using ./Corners command. To close the game, just click on the cross in the upper right corner.