Visit the OMPL installation page for detailed installation instructions.
OMPL has the following required dependencies:
The following dependencies are optional:
- ODE (needed to compile support for planning using the Open Dynamics Engine)
- Py++ (needed to generate Python bindings)
- Doxygen (needed to create a local copy of the documentation at
- Planner Developer Tools(recommended to check the documentation at (released version)
- Moveit!(recommended to check the documentation at (or Moveit2)
- OpenRAVE(recommended to check the documentation at (released version)
- Ompl Benchmark Plotter(recommended to check the git repos for benchmark) (released version)
install python 2.7
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python2
check default python version
python --version && python3 --version
Python 2.7 as the default version by creating a symbolic link
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 2
manually select python version 2.7, you can change it back when OPENRAVE installed
sudo update-alternatives --config python
install of OPENRAVE repos
cd ~
git clone
cd openrave-insstallation
install and build OPERAVE in order
sudo ./
sudo ./
sudo ./
sudo ./
Once dependencies are installed, you can build OMPL on Linux, macOS, and MS Windows. Go to the top-level directory of OMPL and type the following commands
mkdir build
cd build
You can use macro commands to toggle the code you want to compile
make -j 4 # depends on core you are using
install build into /usr/local folder
sudo cmake --install .
switch to pdt folder
cd ../..
cd pdt/build
#### this is for install
cmake -DPDT_OMPL_DIR=/usr/local -DPDT_OPEN_RAVE=ON ..
### this is for moveit version
cmake -DPDT_OMPL_DIR=~/ws_moveit/devel -DPDT_OPEN_RAVE=ON ..
### for moveGroup test. indicate which ompl you are using
lsof -p $(pidof move_group) | grep ompl
make -j 4 # depends on core you are using
GDB debug for moveit issues:
gdb /home/usr/ws_moveit/devel/lib/moveit_ros_move_group/move_group
run --debug
cd ~/ws_moveit/src
show OPENRAVE visualization result according to the open_rave_demo config
./bin/open_rave_gui -c ../parameters/demo/open_rave_demo.json
in case you are old version of PDT: change in open_rave_demo.json
"viewer": "qtcoin",
"viewer": "qtosg",
show visualization result according to the demo config
./bin/visualization -c ../parameters/demo/visualization_demo.json
run benchmark result according to the demo config (also fit for OPENRAVE)
./bin/benchmark -c ../parameters/demo/benchmark_demo.json
reproduce benchmark pdf according to the demo config
creat report_config.json in demo/ folder
./bin/benchmark_report -c ../parameters/demo/report_config.json
Dimension | RandomRectangles | WallGap | DividingWalls | Narrow Passages |
2D | 18439216171772023587 | 18439216101061917922 | 10924827021061192 | 10924827021061192 |
10927753138516356 | - | 18439216260414396571 | ||
2D vis | 10927839490220270 | - | 10929751161392370 | - |
2D vis | 10927840588229561 | - | 10929751708513941 | - |
2D vis | 10929550337638445 | - | 10929752226107993 | - |
2D vis | 10930003745054246 | - | 10929752226107993 | - |
4D | 18439216260414396571 | 18439216356605802780 | 10925074149542957 | 10929992020276563 |
8D | 18439216263452514894 | 18439218256663499061 | 10929382775375323 | - |
16D | 10929320195794061 | 18439218256663499061 | 10929382034216219 | 10929994540264705 |