Code Cause is a Rails App that links more and less technical do-gooders. Coders can browse Cause Profiles that have been submitted by non-profits, charitable organizations and neighborhood organizers. Coders can build up their portfolios while contributing their skills pro bono to worthy causes they care about.
A Do-gooder can create a “Cause Profile” that describes their project, along with a list of skills and technologies they would need their prospective Coder to have.
A Coder can browse Cause Profiles and express interest in a cause.
Once a Coder has expressed interest in a cause, the do-gooder is then able to view the coder’s profile and contact information.
To log in as a coder
email: password: password
To log in as a do-gooder
email: password: password
Intial version created for the Rails Rumble 2014 Hackathon by John Akers, Alex Birdsall, Lauren Kroner, and Danielle Sublett