- 🔭 I’m currently studying Computer Science on UPC
- ⚔ I’m in 8th cycle
- 🎢 I’m currently learning Data Science Applications, Machine Learning and Complex Networks
- More info
Learning about Compilers Theory Course: Building with ANTLR, LLVM, Bison, and Flex.
An application to find the shortest route between airports using graph algorithms.
An application to detect fake news using web scrapping in real-time. (link down)
CRUD Application with Docker: Three-Layer Software Architecture Deployment.
Learning about the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture using ASP.NET Core.
C# 2
Applied Complex Network theory to analyze data from the Spotify API. The project focuses on building and analyzing networks of songs, artists, and genres to explore relationships, centrality, and c…
Jupyter Notebook 2