A browser extension, that adds ii (improvement indicator, a metric that compares your pp to the average player with your playtime amount) to user profiles on the osu! website.
ii is a value describing the relationship between the players playtime and the expected amount of playtime based on pp. Simply put: It describes a players improvement speed compared to the average.
The expected playtime describes the playtime the average player would need to reach the given pp. The function for this was modelled off of a trendline showing the relationship between playtime and pp on a dataset with a sample of 10.000 players.
Thus the formula for calculating the ii value is as follows:
For more information, you can watch this video. The data used to create the function can be found here.
If you have any questions or want to contribute, feel free to join my discord server.
This extension is currently only available for chrome and there are two ways to install it:
For the latest stable release and automatic updates, it is recommended to install the extension here.
Alternatively, to get the latest (though not necessarily stable) build, install the extension through these steps. Keep in mind, that the extension will not update automatically this way:
- Download and unzip the repository
- Navigate to the extensions in your chrome browser
- Enable developer mode (top right)
- Click "Load unpacked" and select the osu!ii folder from step 1
For a more detailed explanation check out this video tutorial.