A simple Tic-Tac-Toe game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project helped me strengthen my JavaScript skills through hands-on implementation and logical problem-solving.
- Play Modes: Play against a friend or the computer.
- Interactive UI: A clean and responsive design.
- Winning Highlight: A line-through effect for the winning combination.
- Dynamic Gameplay: Players take turns, and the game announces the winner or a draw.
- JavaScript DOM Manipulation
- Event Handling
- Conditional Statements
- Arrays & Loops
- CSS Styling & Responsiveness
- Media Queries for Mobile Support
- Click on a cell to mark X or O.
- Players take turns until there is a winner or a draw.
- The game highlights the winning line and announces the result.
💡 Mastering JavaScript through project-based learning!
Feel free to check out my work and give feedback. More projects coming soon! 🚀