This project implements the K-means clustering algorithm using Java and Hadoop MapReduce. It processes a large dataset of 3-dimensional points to iteratively assign points to clusters and update cluster centroids until convergence. The project demonstrates big data processing techniques, distributed computation, and scalable clustering using multiple iterations.
- Multi-iteration K-means implementation.
- Customizable number of clusters (K) and iterations (R)
- Developed using IntelliJ IDEA, designed for Hadoop-compatible environments
- Points Dataset:
- 5,000+ 3-dimensional points (x, y, z), where: x ranges from 0 to 10,000.
- y and z are randomly generated within a defined range.
- Seed Points:
- A file containing K randomly chosen seed points, where K is a configurable parameter.
- Output Files:
- 3d_points_dataset.csv: Dataset of 3D points.
- seed_points_K.csv: Initial cluster centers.
This project implements and compares four variations of K-means clustering using Hadoop MapReduce:
Task 1: Single-Iteration K-means (R=1): Executes one iteration of the K-means algorithm to assign points to clusters and compute new centers.
Task 2: Basic Multi-Iteration K-means (R=5): Executes the K-means algorithm for a fixed number of iterations (R=5), without checking for early convergence.
Task 3: Advanced Multi-Iteration K-means with Early Termination: Includes an early termination condition: Stops if cluster centers remain unchanged over two consecutive iterations or meet a predefined threshold.
Task 4: Optimized Multi-Iteration K-means: Introduces Hadoop optimizations: 1) Uses a combiner to reduce intermediate data size 2) Improves Mapper and Reducer logic for faster convergence
The project produces two types of outputs:
- Cluster Centers: Final cluster centers with a flag indicating whether convergence was reached.
- Clustered Data: The dataset with points labeled by their assigned cluster centers.
Evaluation Metric:
- Silhouette Score
Measures the quality of clustering by comparing intra-cluster cohesion and inter-cluster separation.
Implemented using MapReduce
- Mapper: Computes distances between points and clusters.
- Reducer: Aggregates results to compute the Silhouette score for each cluster and overall dataset.
Purpose: Evaluate and compare the performance of different K-means variations
- Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher.
- Apache Hadoop installed and configured.
- IntelliJ IDEA (or any preferred IDE).