- Sustainable Resource Buildings Expansion (SRBE) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3324172660
- 1.8.6 Unofficial Hotfix Mod (UHM) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274932837
- Ultra Historical Demography (UHD) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3041693269
- Lump Sum Transfer (LST) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3245710931
- GDP Ownership Display - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3290552216
- GDP Plotline Plus - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3190466673
- PDXRP Updated GM Tool - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3369619242
- Global Stats (GDP and POP) - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3312478537
- Great Game For Sandbox - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3274667739
- Building Group Ports:
- Economy of Scale enabled
- SRBE buildings added
- Mod New Buildings:
- Coal Liquefaction Plant added
- Reworked Vanilla Buildings:
- Port:
- Building Group changed from Public Infrastructure to Port
- Can no longer be downsized/deleted
- Port:
- SRBE New Buildings:
- Coal Mining Center
- Iron Metallurgical Center
- Lead Metallurgical Center
- Sulfur Mining Center
- Oit Exploration Center
- Oceanic Fishery Port
- Composite Wood Factory
- Synthetics Rubber Plants
- UHM:
- AI UK Indian subjects now build more plantations if they have the British Dictate Plantations Journal Entry
- UHM:
- Moderate characters who are exhiled should now adopt a more interesting ideology
- Sweden:
- Oscar Bernadotte
- Culture changed from French to Swedish
- Oscar Bernadotte
- All infantry unit types can be upgaded into any other infantry combat unit types
- All artillery unit types can be upgraded into any other artillery combat unit types
- All cavalry unit types can be upgraded into any other cavalry combat unit types
- All light ship unit types can be upgraded into any other light ship combat unit types
- All flagship unit types can be upgraded into any other flagship combat unit types
- All support ship unit types can be upgraded into any other support ship combat unit types
- Reworked Vanilla Companies:
- Egyptian National Railways:
- Land Trade Capacity increased from 10 to 100
- São Paulo Railway Co. Ltd:
- Land Trade Capacity increased from 10 to 100
- Căile Ferate Române:
- Land Trade Capacity increased from 15 to 150
- Də Afḡān Nasājī Šerkat:
- Land Trade Capacity increased from 5 to 50
- Turkish Petroleum Company:
- Land Trade Capacity increased from 5 to 50
- United Construction Company:
- Construction throughput reduced from 20% to 5%
- Imperial Tobacco Corporation of Persia, Limited
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Persian
- English
- Scottish
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Nam Định Textile Factory:
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Vietnamese Sunhwaguk:
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Korean Kaiping Mining Company:
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Han
- Manchu
- Now requires the country to have any of the following primary cultures:
- Egyptian National Railways:
- All migration attraction buffs and debuffs removed from all country ranks
- Prestige average threshold for Major Powers reduced from 2.5 down to 2
- Game Master (GM) system added
- Moderator funny decision added for Switzerland to RP Swiss Bank
- Game Master (GM) system added
- NGame:
- Number of autosaves increased from 5 to 12
- NDiplomacy:
- Abandon support relations impact reduced from 50 to 0
- Diplomatic Pact cost multiplier from infamy doubled
- Infamous level of infamy: 50% increase
- Notorious level of infamy: 100% increase
- Pariah level of infamy: 200% increase
- Diplomatic play opening phase ends at 31 days, up from 21 days
- Diplomatic play closing phase starts at 90 days, up from 80 days
- NEconomy:
- Maximum Trade Route level increased to 250
- Trade route economy of scale Cap increased to 61
- Auto downsize building months to wait decreased from 12 down to 3
- Building timed modifier weeks increased from 52 to 104
- Trade route auto increase employment threshold decreased from 0.9 to 0.5
- Trade route auto increase very low productivity threshold decreased from 3 to 2.9
- Trade route auto increase low productivity threshold decreased from 6 to 3
- Trade route auto increase high productivity threshold decreased from 10 to 3.1
- Trade route auto reduction employment threshold decreased from 0.75 to 0.1
- NMilitary:
- Army unit upgrade rate decreased from 10% to 2% (Takes 1 year to upgrade all units in an army)
- Fleet unit upgrade rate decreased from 5% to 1% (Takes 2 years to upgrade all units in a fleet)
- General travel auto reassign instantly increased from 15 to 120
- NPops:
- Migration pull from available arable land employment increased from 0.5 to 0.75
- Migration pull from available arable land employment cap increased from 30 to 60
- Birth rate and mortality rate have been modified to be more in line with the UHD mod
- Birthrate slightly increases until 10 SoL, to allow for historical massive population growth during industrial revolution
- High plateau but with both birthrate and mortality decreasing between 10 SoL and 14 SoL
- Slow decrease until stabilization at 20 SoL
- High pop modifier now applies to states with 500000 pops and more, raised from 100000 pops and more
- States with less than 50000 pops will not get emigration, raised from 20000 pops
- States with less than 250000 pops have reduced market emigration numbers to avoid total depopulation, raised from 100000 pops
- All diplomatic actions between players have no relations requirement
- Rivalries can be established between the following power ranks:
- Great Powers can rival:
- Great Powers
- Major Powers
- Unrecognized Major Powers
- Major Powers can rival:
- Great Powers
- Major Powers
- Unrecognized Major Powers
- Minor Powers
- Minor Powers can rival:
- Major Powers
- Minor Powers
- Insignificant Powers
- Insignificant Powers can rival:
- Minor Powers
- Insignificant Powers Unrecognized Major Powers can rival:
- Great Powers
- Major Powers
- Unrecognized Major Powers
- Unrecognized Regional Powers
- Unrecognized Regional Powers can rival:
- Major Powers
- Unrecognized Major Powers
- Unrecognized Regional Powers
- Unrecognized Powers
- Unrecognized Powers can rival:
- Unrecognized Regional Powers
- Unrecognized Powers
- Great Powers can rival:
- All diplomatic plays & actions between players have no relations requirement when starting them. Relation requirements still apply in joining an active diplomatic play
- AI no longer erroneously desires to reduce the autonomy of charter companies
- States can be traded between players while at war (Note: Players exploiting this will be punished)
- Countries:
- Hudson Bay Company:
- Now starts with Extraction Economy economic system law due to being Chartered Company subject type
- Hudson Bay Company:
- Power Blocs:
- Russia:
- Core power bloc principle changed from Vassalisation Level 1 to Exploitation of Members Level 1
- Second starting power bloc principle changed from Defensive Co-Operation Level 1 to Food Standardization Level 1
- Austria:
- Second starting power bloc principle changed from Defensive Co-Operation Level 1 to Police Coordination Level 1
- Ottomans:
- Second starting power bloc principle changed from External Trade Level 1 to Transportation Infrastructure Level 1
- Russia:
- Modified Vanilla Ideology:
- Scholar Gentry Ideology:
- Opinions on the economic system law group has been added
- Agrarianism = Approve
- Industy Banned = Disapprove
- Traditionalism = Strongly Approve
- Interventionism = Neutral
- Co-Operative Ownership = Strongly Disapprove
- Laissez-Faire = Strongly Disapprove
- Command Economy = Strongly Disapprove
- Extraction Economy = Disapprove
- Opinions on the economic system law group has been added
- Scholar Gentry Ideology:
- Meiji Economy Journal Entry:
- Complete requirement now requires having 70% or more states with railways built, not more than 70% of states with railways
- Warlord China:
- China having either having a foreign investment agreement or granting foreign investment rights will change the fragile china counter by 1
- Great Game:
- Great Game journal entries and content are now playable in sandbox mode for multiplayer
- Won't fail if UK or Russia disband their power bloc. Only if they drop below Great Power rank or any other vanilla fail conditions
- Purveyor of Progress (India Railway):
- Jounral entry criteria now matches what is said in the tooltip
- Opium Wars:
- Opium Wars journal entries were allowed to be completed in the wrong order, which could cause Qing to not fail the journal entries even though they should
- Americas Migration (Central, South, American West):
- Protectorates are now also allowed to use the journal entry
- Lobby Demands:
- Time limit increased from 5 years to 10 years
- German Unification:
- 30 year timer added to the Schleswig-Holstein journal entry
- Negative prestige modifier for failing the Schleswig-Holstein journal entry added (-15% prestige for 10 years)
- SRBE Journal Entries:
- Added journal entries for all SRBE buildings
- Health System:
- Private Health Insurance:
- State mortality from wealth modifier added (UHD)
- Public Health Insurance:
- State mortality from wealth modifier added (UHD)
- Private Health Insurance:
- AI UK no longer erroneously hates Indian Democracy
- Insurrections and Secessions now get disbanded when they literal 0 support
- Money can now be sent between countries with exact amounts, to the nearest £1000 (LST)
- Added option for rifles used to make use of military techs, called Main Rifles
- Main Rifles added:
- Rifles: +5 offense, +5 defense
- Repeaters: +10 offense, +10 defense, +1 small arms upkeep
- Bolt-Action: +15 offense, +15 defense, +2 small arms & +1 ammunition upkeep
- Chemical Weapons reworked:
- Unit kill rate bonus increased from 50% to 100%
- +200% devastation has been added
- Communist movements no longer incorrectly prefers states with high urbanization
- Power Bloc mandate generation changed. New values are:
- Great Power: +10
- Major Power: +4
- Unrecognized Major Power: +2
- Minor Power: +1
- Unrecognized Regional Power: +0.5
- Principle Slots:
- 3rd slot can be unlocked by having either:
- Power bloc is 5th or higher in the power bloc ranking
- Power bloc has 5 or more members
- 4th slot can be unlocked by having either:
- Power bloc is 3rd or higher in the power bloc ranking
- Power bloc has 10 or more members
- 3rd and 4th power slots will be removed if power bloc doesn't meet either of the requirements (if it works as expected)
- 3rd slot can be unlocked by having either:
- Trade Leagues:
- Bloc Members:
- Bloc members cannot embargo each other
- Increased leverage from economic dependence
- Bloc Members (Not Bloc Leader): +20% convoy contribution to power bloc leader -20% Influence
- Bloc Leader:
- Has foreign investment rights in power bloc members of lower power rank
- Can enforce a change in the trade policy law of power bloc members
- +10% Influence
- +10% Trade route volume
- Bloc Members:
- Soverign Empires:
- Bloc Members (Not Bloc Leader):
- Will become the Bloc Leader's subject upon joining the Power Bloc
- Bloc Leader:
- New members will become their subject upon joining the Power Bloc
- Bloc Members (Not Bloc Leader):
- Ideological Union:
- Bloc Leader:
- Can enforce a change in the economic system law of power bloc members
- Can enforce a change to the land reform law of power bloc members
- Can enforce a change to the free speech law of power bloc members
- Can enforce a change to the slavery law of power bloc members
- Bloc Leader:
- Military Treaty:
- Bloc Leader:
- Can enforce a change in the army model law of power bloc members
- +50% weekly unit experience gain for armies and navies
- -10% Military Goods cost
- Bloc Members (Not Bloc Leader):
- +25% weekly unit experience gain for armies and navies
- -5% Military Goods cost
- Bloc Leader:
- Religious Convocation:
- Bloc Leader:
- Can enforce a change to the church and state law of power bloc members
- Clergymen have +50% investment pool contribution efficiency
- Bloc Members (Not Bloc Leader):
- Clergymen have +25% investment pool contribution efficiency
- Bloc Leader:
- External Trade is restricted to Trade Leagues only
- Internal Trade is restricted to Trade Leagues only
- Vassalization is restricted to Soverign Empires only
- Exploitation of Members is restricted to Soverign Empires only
- Creative Legislature is restricted to Ideological Unions only
- Ideological Truth is restricted to Ideological Unions only
- Defensive Co-operation is restricted to Military Treaties only
- Aggressive Co-ordination is restricted to Military Treaties only
- Sacred Civics is restricted to Religious Convocations only
- Divine Economics is restricted to Religious Convocations only
- Soverign Empires can only take either Vassalization or Exploitation of Members, not both
Foreign Investments:
- Has been removed
- Been merged into the Market Unification principle
Market Unification:
- Level 1:
- Bloc members cannot embargo each other
- Increased leverage from economic dependence
- Level 2:
- Foreign investment rights in power bloc members of lower power rank
- Level 3:
- Power Bloc becomes a customs union
- Level 1:
Advanced Research:
- Level 1:
- +25% institution size change speed for education institution
- -10% bureaucracy cost of education institution
- Cannot have the No Schools law
- Bloc Leader can enforce a change in the education system law of power bloc members
- Level 2:
- +15% institution size change speed for research institution (+40$ total)
- -15% bureaucracy cost of education institution (-25% total)
- +1% education access per institution level
- Level 3:
- +10% institution size change speed for research institution (+50% total)
- -25% bureaucracy cost of education institution (-50% total)
- +2% education access per institution level (+3% total education access per institution level)
- Level 1:
Food Standardization:
- Level 1:
- +10% Agriculture throughput
- Level 2:
- Unlocks production method "Efficient Vacuum Canning Practices" for Food Industries
- Level 3:
- -5% Pop mortality
- Level 1:
- Level 1:
- -50% infrastructure usage for construction sectors
- Level 2:
- +5% state construction efficiency
- Level 3:
- United Construction Conglomerate comany unlocked
- +5% construction efficiency (down fom +20%)
- United Construction Conglomerate comany unlocked
- Level 1:
Freedom of Movement:
- Level 1:
- +20% Migration Quota
- Level 2:
- Migration allowed within Power Bloc
- Level 3:
- +50% Mass Migration attraction
- Level 1:
- Level 1:
- +2% authority added per subject (changed from +25 authority per allowed subject type)
- Level 2:
- +1% authority added per subject (+3% total)
- Power Bloc Leader gets +25% subject income transfer modifier
- Level 3
- +1% authority added per subject (+4% total)
- Power Bloc Leader can enact decrees in subjects
- Level 1:
Exploitation of Members:
- Level 1:
- +20% Power Bloc Leader authority
- -20% Bloc Member (Not Leader) authority
- -5 Power Bloc Cohesion
- Level 2:
- -5 Power Bloc Cohesion (-10 total)
- +20% Power Bloc Leader Influence
- -20% Bloc Member (Not Leader) Influence
- +10% Power Bloc Leader authority (+30% total)
- Level 3:
- -10 Power Bloc Cohesion (-20 total)
- +10% Power Bloc Leader Authority (+40% total)
- 5% income transfer from Power Bloc Members to Power Bloc Leader
- Level 1:
External Trade:
- Level 2:
- Influential Trade Center PM:
- Influence per level reduced from 2 down to 1
- Migration attraction bonus removed
- Influential Trade Center PM:
- Level 2:
Militarized Industry:
- Level 2:
- Miltarg goods cost reduced from -15% down to -10%
- Level 2:
Sacred Civics:
- Level 1:
- Higher diplomatic proposal acceptance for countries with same religion
- -5% morale loss
- +5% morale recovery
- Level 2:
- Reduced liberty desire for subjects with same religion
- Level 1:
Divine Economics:
- Level 2:
- New Ownership PM (Clergy Oversight) is now used by requirement in Financial Districts and Manor Houses
- Level 2:
Transportation Infrastructure:
- Level 1:
- +33% state infrastructure from population
- +33% maximum state infrastructure from population
- Level 2:
- +250 land trade capacity
- Level 3:
- Unlocks the Joint Steam Trains PM for Railways
- Unlocks the Joint Electric Trains for Railways
- Unlocks the Joint Diesel Trains for Railways
- Level 1:
Defense Co-operation:
- Level 2:
- +10% unit defense
- Level 2:
- Coal-Liquefaction Plant:
- Coal to Oil PMs added (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5)
- Oil to Rubber PMs added (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5)
- Added timed modifiers for PM Changes:
- Change in primary PM grants a decaying -20% throughput
- Change in secondary PM grants a decaying -10% throughput
- Added production methods for Coal-Liquefaction Plant
- Coal to Oil: 5 Coal --> 1 Oil
- Oil to Rubber: 5 Oil --> 1 Rubber
- Convoys supplied by Ports have been increased:
- Anchorages:
- Amount of Convoys increased from 20 to 50
- Industrial Ports:
- Amount of Convoys increased from 175 to 250
- Modern Ports:
- Amount of Convoys increased from 200 to 400
- Anchorages:
- Influence provided by Power Block Principle External Trade II & III reduced from 2 down to 1
- Production methods that use Transportation as an input good are blocked until the building has access to Transportation
- External Trade Principle Levels 2 & 3 Trade Center PM now has clerks working. Was 0 clerks per trade center level, now 250 clerks per trade center level (UHM)
- Americas Migration Button Cost: Target Countries: - Power Rank requirement removed - Number of states requirement removed - Target state needs to have 250000 state population or higher - Target state needs to be in a country that has a total population of 3 million or greater Cost of Use: - -25% influence cost - -10% authority cost - Weekly cost of £ equal to 0.025% of GDP, rounded to nearest 100
- UHM:
- Diplomatic Pact Opportunity system for investment rights/agreement fixed
- Base Government Dividends efficiency increased by 10%, from 25% to 35%
- Recently adjusted primary production method timed modifier added
- Recently adjusted secondary production method timed modifier added
- Tech spread from literacy doubled, from 75 at 100% literacy to 150 at 100% literacy
- Excess innovation into tech spread reduced from 20% down to 2%
- Before change, 20% of excess innovation would be added to tech spread
- After change, 2% of excess innovation would be added to tech spread
- India Company Rule modifier:
- Industrialist IG Political Strength increased from 200% bonus to 300% bonus
- Synthetic Strategic Resources:
- Era 5
- Unlocks Coal-Liquefaction Plant
- Unlocks the Coal --> Oil Production Methods
- Unlocks the Oil --> Rubber Production Methods
- Synthetic Strategic Resources:
- Pan-Nationalism:
- Added Identification Documents as an unlocking technology requirement
- Great War Diplomacy:
- Era 5
- Adds 1375 maneuvers to diplomatic plays
- Reduces war exhaustion from casualties by 65%
- Medical Degrees:
- -0.0005% morality per level of wealth
- Pharmaceuticals:
- -0.0005% morality per level of wealth
- Antibiotics:
- 0.001% morality per level of wealth
- Urbanization:
- Land trade capacity increased from 50 to 200
- Urban Planning:
- Land trade capacity increased from 10 to 150
- Modern Sewerage:
- Land trade capacity increased from 10 to 150
- Steel-Frame Buildings:
- Land trade capacity increased from 10 to 150
- Elevator:
- Land trade capacity increased from 10 to 150
- Paved Roads:
- Land trade capacity increased from 20 to 200
- Pan-Nationalism:
- Gantry Cranes:
- Now increases the max level of ports by 8 instead of 4
- Concrete Dockyards:
- Now increases the max level of ports by 10 instead of 4
- Gantry Cranes:
- GDP Graph:
- Size increased from 280 x 100 to 1400 x 500
- GDP Ownership:
- UI and tooltip can show how much of a country's economy is owned by foreign investors
- UI and tooltip can show how much foreign investment a country has in other countries
- Global GDP and POP Stats:
- Country's percentage of global GDP and POP added to the country's GDP and population tooltip
- Paris Commune:
- Truce length reduced from 24 months (2 years) down 2 months
- Krakatoa:
- Krakatoa no longer kills Asia