Petri net modeling tool for viewing and editing Petri nets in the browser. Supports the import and export of .pnml files according to the PNML standard. Currently, only place transition nets are supported.
The tool is based on diagram-js and took inspiration from bpmn-js and fcm-js.
The modeler is available as an npm package. If you want to embed the modeler into your project, install the package as a dependency to your node project using:
npm i --save ptn-js
To integrate the modeler, create a ptn-js instance, bind it to the canvas, and import a model or create a new one.
import PnModeler from 'ptn-js/lib/Modeler';
import "ptn-js/assets/pn-js.css";
const xml = '...'; // your Petri net XML
const canvas = '...'; // the HTML element the modeler should use as canvas
const modeler = new PnModeler({
container: canvas,
keyboard: [
bindTo: canvas
await modeler.importXML(xml);
// await modeler.createNew(); Alternatively, this creates an empty diagram
// await modeler.importPNML(pnml); Or you can import a .pnml file
const xmlExport = (await modeler.saveXML()).xml;
const pnmlExport = await modeler.savePNML();
An example can be found here.