Math I/O engine tailored for monochrome-screen devices.
Console-fx is a project aimed to make it possible to display mathematical formulas on monochrome screens beautifully. The project is written in pure C++ without using any other non-standard libraries, and is designed to be built on multi-platforms.
The engine is designed as a lib. You need to include it in you own programs, and note that you have to implement some platform-specific functions like displaying the contents in the VRAM to screen and detecting a key event. An example is provided in main.cpp, which uses GLFW for graphics and key processing, and integrates Eigenmath as it's calculation kernel.
More detailed, a program using the engine should be like this:
// File main.cpp placed in the same directory as the folder "Console".
// First you have to include standard library headers and the engine header. Generally only "console.h" is needed.
#include <iostream>
#include "Console/Headers/console.h"
// Main enterance for the program.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Emulated VRAM.
unsigned char vram[VRAM_SIZE_BYTE];
// New instance for class Console and a string as the input/output buffer.
// Note that all classes, enums, etc., are under the namespace fx.
fx::Console console(vram);
fx::String buffer;
// Function "ShouldExit()" need to be implemented by yourself.
while (!ShouldExit())
console.input(buffer); // Get input, and store it in buffer.
std::cout << buffer.c_str() << std::endl; // Process the input. Here we just print it out.
console.output(buffer); // Output the processed string.
return 0;
For even more information, the source code is always there. :-)
There are some screen shots when I run it on my Mac.
... and also no problem with complex ones as follows.
The program is a free software. You can do anything to it with non-commercial purpose.
Feel free to ask me any questions or propose any suggestions.