A trap for profit seekers, for example, you distribute a wallet with $40 Tether in it + password, the victim needs $4 Tron to withdraw Tether, after the Tron enters the wallet, the amount for the wallet is immediately You will be sent!
- Honeypot wallet must have some balance
- To use, use a new wallet and private key as a honeypot
- Run when you need it

Tool work:
Suppose you have a wallet that has $40 Tether! Now you can use it for bait, how about that? You need at least $4 Trx to transfer Tether, now you give the tool the wallet address and wallet password as honeypot wallet and broadcast the same address with private key!
Meanwhile, if someone deposits TRON to your Honeypot account (to withdraw Tethers), all TRON balances will be immediately transferred to your main account!
Telegram: @esfelurm
This is a source for educational purposes! Any misuse of the tool is the best! @_@