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A crappy project that I am experimenting to be able to interact with the computer from web pages

Default Options

showwindow boolean: Hides or shows the file of the process

shellexecute boolean: Turn on shell execute

uac boolean: Request admin elevation to the file

cd (string): Sets the current directory to the specified one, usefoul to specify where to download the files

run (string): The file path or the url of the file or the command in case of (cmd | ps1 | eps1)

args (string): The arguments of the file to run

files (string): Files uris to download separated by char | wich the file name can be specified after a ^ example:




Runs the file based in the default options


Runs a cmd based in the default options

autoclose (boolean): Auto closes the cmd after it end whatever is running


autoclose (boolean): Auto closes the powershell after it end whatever is running


autoclose (boolean): Auto closes the powershell after it end whatever is running


zip (string): The link of the zip to be downloaded, can also changed the name of the folder based on ^ can be null to be downloaded on the current dir, by default is downloaded on the current dir plus the hash of the zip uri


//Shutdown computer in 40 seconds
crun.exe cmd run="shutdown /s /t 40 /f"

//Hello world in Base64 encoded powershell command
crun.exe eps1 showwindow=1 autoclose=0 run="ZQBjAGgAbwAgACIASABlAGwAbABvACAAdwBvAHIAbABkACIA"

//Run sfc scannow
crun.exe run showwindow=1 shellexecute=1 uac=1 run="sfc" args="/ScanNow"

To use from a website

var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = "none";
iframe.src = "crun://run/true/true/cmd";