Some custom CSS themes for MythicalDash.
This is the custom theme made for MythicalDash (CSS)
Well, first you will have to choose the theme you want, and then go inside the CSS file and copy the contents.
After that, you have to log in to your dashboard.
First, you require admin permissions to change the theme. Next you will have to click on the button that says "Settings" This button can be found in the administrative area from inside the sidebar.
After that, scroll down to custom CSS and enable it, then paste your code inside the code field and save.
Yes, every theme is under copyright, and it has its own license file inside the theme folder. You should respect that license!
Firstly, you have to understand how github works.
First, you will have to fork the repository, so you can access it.
Now you will have to create a new folder inside the repository. This should be your theme name, e.g., "LithumaThemeOrange". Make sure you don't use any swear words or any kind of offensive language.
So first you will have to create a new file called style.css
. Now enter that file and paste your custom CSS. The next step is to take a screenshot of the dashboard page with the theme applied to it! Place those screenshots inside the theme folder alongside the style.css
Now that you have a theme, you will have to edit the LICENSE file and add your name. Just add a new line under Copyright (c) 2023 MythicalSystems LTD
. Your copyright shall look like this: Copyright (c) 2023 YourGithubName
Now you will have to create a new README file inside the directory and paste this and replace it with your info.
Name: the theme name
Author: the theme author (Discord tag or Github username)
Version: the mythicaldash version (v2.0.x)
First, you will have to push the changes to your forked repository and open a new pull request.
This is the latest step. Please do not ping any of the MythicalSystems staff members to merge your theme, etc.
Yes, they are, but there are some limits over here:
Allowed and you can add your name to the license.
This will require creating a new theme!
Can I DMCA a user if a user steals my theme and uploads it here under another name or with his name?
No, you can't DMCA or start harassing the user, etc. The right way is by opening an issue about that and posting proof and more info about what was stolen, etc.
In that case, we can't help you because anything that gets merged won't be removed. The only thing you can do is transfer the copyright to MythicalSystems from the README file inside your theme folder.
You can't do that, and we are sorry!