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MILES Community Research Digital Intelligence Twin (CREDIT): research platform for AI numerical weather prediction models.


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NSF NCAR MILES Community Research Earth Digital Intelligence Twin (CREDIT)


CREDIT is a research platform to train and run neural networks that can emulate full NWP models by predicting the next state of the atmosphere given the current state. The platform is still under very active development. If you are interested in using or contributing to CREDIT, please reach out to David John Gagne (

NSF-NCAR Derecho Installation

Currently, the framework for running miles-credit in parallel is centered around NSF NCAR's Derecho HPC. Derecho requires building several miles-credit dependent packages locally, including PyTorch, to enable correct MPI configuration. To begin, create a clone of the pre-built miles-credit environment, which contains compatiable versions of torch, torch-vision, numpy, and others.

module --force purge 
module load ncarenv/23.09 gcc/12.2.0 ncarcompilers cray-mpich/8.1.27 cuda/12.2.1 cudnn/ conda/latest
mamba create --name credit-derecho --clone /glade/derecho/scratch/benkirk/derecho-pytorch-mpi/envs/credit-pytorch-v2.3.1-derecho-gcc-12.2.0-cray-mpich-8.1.27

Going forward, care must be taken when installing new packages so that PyTorch and the other relevant miles-credit dependencies are not overridden. Next, grab the most updated version of miles-credit from github (assuming no changes to the local-build dependencies):

conda activate credit-derecho
# needed an sshkey to use this command: git clone
git clone
cd miles-credit

and then install without dependencies by

pip install --no-deps .

Henceforth, when adding new packages aim to use the no dependenices option.

To test your Derecho installation, skip to Launch with PBS on Casper or Derecho.

Standard Installation

Clone from miles-credit github page:

# needed an sshkey to use this command: git clone
git clone
cd miles-credit

Install dependencies using environment_gpu.yml file (also compatible with CPU-only machines):

Note: if you are on NCAR HPC, we recommend installing to your home directory. To do this, simply append -p /glade/u/home/$USER/[your_install_dir]/ to the conda/mamba env create command below:

mamba env create -f environment_gpu.yml
conda activate credit

CPU-only install:

mamba env create -f environment_cpu.yml
conda activate credit

Some metrics use WeatherBench2 for computation. Install with:

git clone
cd weatherbench2
pip install .

Train a Segmentation Model (like a U-Net)

python applications/ -c config/unet.yml

Train a Vision Transformer

python applications/ -c config/vit.yml

Or use a fancier variation

python applications/ -c config/wxformer_1dg_test.yml

Launch with PBS on Casper or Derecho

Adjust the PBS settings in a configuration file for either casper or derecho. Then, submit the job via

python applications/ -c config/wxformer_1dg_test.yml -l 1

The launch script may be found in the save location that you set in the configation file. The automatic launch script generation will take care of MPI calls and other complexities if you are using more than 1 GPU.

Inference Forecast

The predict field in the config file allows one to speficy start and end dates to roll-out a trained model. To generate a forecast,

python applications/ -c config/wxformer_1dg_test.yml

Model Weights and Data

Model weights for the CREDIT 6-hour WXFormer and FuXi models and the 1-hour WXFormer are available on huggingface.

Processed ERA5 Zarr Data are available for download through Globus (requires free account) through the CREDIT ERA5 Zarr Files collection.

Scaling/transform values for normalizing the data are available through Globus here.


This software is based upon work supported by the NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research, a major facility sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement No. 1852977 and managed by the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF. Additional support for development was provided by The NSF AI Institute for Research on Trustworthy AI for Weather, Climate, and Coastal Oceanography (AI2ES) with grant number RISE-2019758.


MILES Community Research Digital Intelligence Twin (CREDIT): research platform for AI numerical weather prediction models.







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