You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 1
- Focus is on making a publication from remote source with Notebooks and LOD
- The publication will be an exhibition catalogue
- Participants will work in small teams on allocated templated sections that they can edit and configure and then demonstrate to others how section was made: Front matter, essay, catalogue, and publishing (DOI and Wikidata entry).
- To simplify the learning / workshop process participants will only work on their designated documents - a Fidus Doc, Notebook, Hedge Doc. Workshop hosts will render books, load Notebooks, upload GitHub etc. The TOC function of organising sections will be used to organise this.
- Book making: Jupyter Book, Create Book (Vivliostyle), Could be Curvenote, TBC
- Notebooks: Google CoLab (can users work on same Notebook at the same time), Jupyterhub, or a local Notebook?
- Cover - this will be pre-made by SW and configured live using a generative CSS, LOD design
- Front Matter -
- Fidus Writer word processor outputting HTML
- Notebook Bibliographic info from Zenodo or Wikidata
- Essay: Fidus Writer word processor outputting HTML, or it could be a Notebook
- Catalogue: Notebook - Idea: Make a painting catalogue from WikiData. There appear to be enough painting collections on Wikidata for us to allow the participants enough freedom to make a selection on their own - using a few sets of perameters that will be set in adavance. Using examples of the Bavarian painting collections would be good but not necessary. This is in part because we're already working with the CbDD Bavarian collection. Also bcause they have a special designation on Wikdata that they have submitted.
- Show a queries: Map, or 3D model, or Neo4js?
- Publishing: Making Zenodo DOI record, Wikidata entry, WikiCommons
- Some pre-made samples.
See: 17C Bavarian painting | All painting collections | Bavarian State Painting Collections ID
- Run the workshop with 3 editing activities for participants - A. Query/visualisation, B. painting catalogue, C. Thoth bibliographic data.
- The activity model is that participants only edit Notebooks (not saving) and small interaction with Wikidata and Thoth. Workshop organisers
- Divide the workshop into 3 Breakout Rooms - I would need a support person per room - SW could do one. The support persons would need to run a MyBinder Notebook, edit existing Notebooks, show Wikidata visual query, have participants paste any code into a hedgedoc, make a commit to the main book.
- Participants would edit 3 Notebooks using MyBinder and not save edits, just preview.
- The workshop participants would be divided into 3 groups, and each group would complete each of the three tasks with a whole group review of tasks after each task.
- Participants would only do the following: use wikidata visual query builder, run MyBinder, run and edit a notebook (no saving), paste code into Hedgedoc, edit a Thoth API call.
- Workshop organisers would do any: Quarto rendering, Git commits, demo other Notebooks - 3D, Video, show Fidus Writer edit coming over to quarto.
- Schedule: 120 mins
- Intros: 10 minutes
- Activity A. Query/visualisation
- Task: 15 mins
- Whole group review: 10 mins
- Activity B. Painting catalogue
- Task: 15 mins
- Whole group review: 10 mins
- Bio break: 10 mins
- Activity C. Thoth bibiographic
- Task: 15 mins
- Whole group review: 10 mins
- Demo - Video, 3D, Essay: 10 mins
- Conclusion:15 mins
- There will only be three Notebooks for workshop participants to edit. The other notebooks will be for demo purposes only.
- Notebooks A. and B. - A workflow is needed where the workshop participants can first build their query in Wikidata's visual query builder, then copy paste the Sparql over to the Notebook, if possible. My understanding is that we can have a premade Sparql code that the user can then edit as visual editing.
- Can we have it that the participants and run a repo in MyBinder or Google Colab to edit Notebooks. They do not need to be able to save them as we only want them to be able to run them. Any parts that need to be saved will be pasted into a share Hedgedoc. NB: I could only get the video Notebook running in MyBinder as others has dependencies. I could be getting the wrong end of the stick here and running Quarto is what is needed. If so, could we run the editable demo Notebook copies in their own repos outside of Quarto as they are not meant to be directly served back to the main Quarto book?
Workshop editable demo 1 or 3.
Focus on using Wikidata's Graph builder https://angryloki.github.io/wikidata-graph-builder/ (d3.js)
Question is - can we use the Graph builder in a Notebook.
Workflow idea here - Issue: https://github.com/NFDI4Culture/cp4c/issues/16
We need to show some sort of query where data is collated and visualised, a geo map, or nicer a Neo4JS entity relations diagram - https://neo4j.com/labs/neosemantics/how-to-guide/#_graph_configsay of data from painting collections. The data we will map is a the painting collection: Bavarian 17C collection. The notebook is meant to be a example for a workshop and we would show participants how the perameters can be changed about what fiedls to map etc. If anyone has an example Jupyter Notebook that could be used as a template. Then even better.
Workshop editable demo 2 of 3.
The Query example in issue 16 shows how the paintings can be sorted from a collection.
The desired workflow for the workshop and Notebook would be like so:
- Participants use the visual Wikidata query builder to make the selection, and see preview
- The the user copy pastes over the Sparql query over to a Notebook
- The user runs the notebook in MyBinder to preview the query
- The Breakout Room workshop coordinator then gets any example queries from participants via a Hedgedoc and pastes them into their Notebook which will then be made as a commit to the main Notebook if the maintainer accepts it.
Can we have a Notebook that collect a series of paintings from a collection, say 9 paintings in one notebooks. As an example starting with the the Bavarian 17C collection. We'd want participants to change the perameters around which images to be included, and what fields to display. We need to retreive image, title, artists, links to wikidata, etc., as minimum.
This will be 3 of 3 Notebooks for participanst to edit.
Use a Thoth record to generate a colophon in a Notebook. SW will make a Thoth entry and Zenodo entry ASAP issue 17
Notes: From Wikidata or Zenodo or Thoth for the publication. The idea is that this would be a task for one team or the oragnisers log some basic info as an example.
This is a Notebook we will show at the workshop, but not have the participants edit.
I would like to use TIB's Wikibase source but this has some issues, so we can use the below.
This sample is on Wikidata is an example of what we should use as it has models attached as .stl and these model types already render in Wikidata on the web.
- Stanford Bunny - https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q838374 - Use the following as it has an .stl model which Wikidata can also display in the browser and there are many of these models on Wikidata.
At the moment we wont use Kompakkt unless some features are enabled. See test models uploaded - https://kompakkt.wbworkshop.tibwiki.io/explore and data https://wikibase.wbworkshop.tibwiki.io/wiki/
Use a sample of 3D models on Kompakkt, from low-res to high-res, to access 3D models and data.
Collect and use simple Creative Commons models: Cylinder, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Baroque. No mapping of textures.
- Cylinder | Wikipedia | Example
- Doric column sample model
Note: There are some issues to get over with using Kompakkt at present. I will have to see if the models can be accessed through its Wikibase view. Currently only the viewer seems accessible and not the model files. See Ticket. 12 Feb 2023 SW.
Not to be edited by workshop participants. This will be demoed to show that video can be embedded.
- Include TIB AV Portal videos
Not to be edited by workshop participants. This will only be demoed to participants as an example of working separately on different docs.
- Essay made in Fidus Writer and exported as HTML page
- Citations
- Footnotes
- Picture captions
- Figure list
- From TOC display
Include a Kompakkt 3D model with LOD in a Jupyter Notebooks demo publication and workshop.
In advance of the workshop:
- Make models or access library models - simple models - add 5 examples
- Upload models to Kompakkt
- Annotate in Kompakkt
- Enter model into Wikibase
- Render model and info in Notebook viewer using LOD API from Wikibase - in MyBinder
- Render model to multi-format in Quarto
For the workshop:
- Show how accessing a new Wikibase source and Kompakkt annotation
- Change model being used
- Change parameters of fields being retrieved
- Re-render Notebook, MyBinder and Quarto