This app is developed based on the Apple Developer Tutorials - UIKit essentials.
Becasue the tutorial is based on iOS 16, in section "Loading reminders", the function requestAccess(to:completion:)
is deprecated in iOS17. So that errors will occur when using the code from the tutorial
Replacing below codes
var isAvailable: Bool {
EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .reminder) == .authorized
func requestAccess() async throws {
case .notDetermined:
let accessGranted = try await ekStore.requestAccess(to: .reminder)
guard accessGranted else {
throw TodayError.accessDenied
var isAvailable: Bool {
EKEventStore.authorizationStatus(for: .reminder) == .fullAccess
func requestAccess() async throws {
case .notDetermined:
let accessGranted = try await ekStore.requestFullAccessToReminders()
guard accessGranted else {
throw TodayError.accessDenied