Refer to the FAQ in the wiki with any questions before opening an issue.
This mod adds encounters and enemies from Hades to Hades II.
The mod is still early in development, and not everything is working as expected.
I do not recommend using this mod on any active "real" saves during this WIP period. It's recommended to use a save file dedicated to testing or developing mods, and to create a backup of all save files before using the mod.
It is recommended to not tab out of the game or otherwise unfocus the window while the game is starting up or loading, as this can sometimes cause the game to load data incorrectly. This would mean you need to restart the game.
In order to use this mod you must have Hades installed on your system when playing Hades II. You cannot uninstall Hades after insalling the mod, as the mod will not work without it.
It is recommended to have both Hades and Hades II installed through the same platform (e.g. both through Steam or both through Epic)/in the same parent directory.
To be able to use the mod, Hades must be installed at ALL TIMES.
Read on at Installation for information on how to install the mod through r2modman.
This mod is a work in progress. Not everything is working as expected or fully implemented.
The following content from Hades is available in Hades II through this mod, allowing you to play as Melinoë, with her weapons and abilities.
At the moment, content is limited to encounters and enemies.
Encounter/Room Name | Internal Name | Status |
Tartarus | ||
Default combat | GeneratedTartarus | Implemented |
Miniboss encounters | A_MiniBoss0x | Implemented |
Fountain room | A_Reprieve01 | Implemented |
Shops | A_Shop01/A_PreBoss01 | Implemented |
Survival challenge | SurvivalTartarus | Not implemented |
Thanatos encounter | ThanatosTartarus | Not implemented |
Bosses | A_Boss01/A_Boss02/A_Boss03 | Not implemented |
Asphodel | Not implemented | |
Elysium | Not implemented | |
Styx | Not implemented | |
Surface | Not implemented |
Enemy | Internal Name | Status |
Tartarus | ||
Wretched Lout | PunchingBagUnit | Implemented |
Dire Lout (Elite) | PunchingBagUnitElite | Implemented |
Wretch Thug | HeavyMelee | Implemented |
Dire Thug (Elite) | HeavyMeleeElite | Implemented |
Wringer | DisembodiedHand | Implemented |
Wringer (Elite) | DisembodiedHandElite | Implemented |
Wretched Witch | LightRanged | Implemented |
Dire Witch (Elite) | LightRangedElite | Implemented |
Brimstone | HeavyRanged | Implemented |
Dire Brimstone (Elite) | HeavyRangedElite | Implemented |
Numbskull | Swarmer | Implemented |
Dire Numbskull | SwarmerElite | Implemented |
Skullomat | LightSpawner | Implemented |
Wretched Pest | ThiefMineLayer | Implemented |
Dire Pest (Elite) | ThiefMineLayerElite | Implemented |
Asphodel | Not implemented | |
Elysium | Not implemented | |
Styx | Not implemented | |
Surface | Not implemented |
In no particular order:
- (Mini) Boss encounters
- Additional biomes
- Light story elements
- Hades God boons
- Playing as Zagreus/Switching between characters
These are the configuration options available for the mod:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
enabled |
bool |
true |
Whether the mod is enabled or not. |
firstTimeSetup |
bool |
true |
If set to true, the mod will make required file associations and moves from the hadesGameFolder to your Hades II installation when the game is started the next time. This process will set this variable to false afterwards. Only set this to true after a breaking update or when re-installing. |
uninstall |
bool |
false |
Set this to true and start the game once to run uninstall steps, which removes files copied and associated to Hades. Do this before uninstalling the mod through r2modman to avoid loose files staying behind. To re-install, set both uninstall and firstTimeSetup to true. |
hadesGameFolder |
string |
root |
The path to the Hades game folder. When set to root , resolves to the "Hades" directory in the same parent directory as your Hades II installation. I.e., leave like this if you have both games installed through Steam. |
debug |
bool |
false |
Enables debug logging to the console. Enable this if you're having issues with the mod, or if the developer asked you for logs to help investigating an issue. |
Some of the knowledge I gathered during development can be found in the file - though this is a living document and may not be comprehensive or up to date.