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XNAT Theme Packages

This repository contains UI theme packages that can be installed in XNAT 1.7.3 or higher.

Although earlier versions of XNAT 1.7.x included basic support for themes, the packages in this repo require XNAT 1.7.3 or higher for proper functionality and should be used as a reference for theme development going forward.

Support for UI themes in XNAT is still relatively new. If you run across a bug, please send a bug report to

Installing a Theme

There are a few different ways to install a theme:

  • upload a theme 'package' zip file using the Site Admin page (easy)
  • upload a theme from a bash terminal using the included script (easier)
  • copy a theme folder directly to the 'themes' directory in the webapp

If you want to upload one of the included themes through the admin UI, the theme folder will need to be compressed first using zip compression.

One way to quickly install a theme is to use the included script. Enter the command below from this folder in a bash terminal, substituting the desired theme-name, your admin username:password and the URL to the server (including app context, if applicable).

./ theme-name username:password

NOTE: Since themes are stored directly in the running web app, installed themes will be lost when deploying a new webapp .war and will need to be re-uploaded after webapp deployment. This is a limitation of the current themes implemenation.

Activating a Theme

After a theme is uploaded, it must be activated, either through an XAPI REST call, or by selecting it from the themes menu in the theme management panel on the site admin page. If you use the script to upload your theme, you will be prompted to activate the newly uploaded theme package. If you enter y at the prompt, this will run the curl command below and activate the theme for you.

To activate a theme with a PUT request using curl:

curl -v -X PUT "" -u "username:password"

To activate a theme using the site admin page (you must be logged in as an admin user), go to the site admin page /app/template/Page.vm?view=admin and click the "Themes & Features" tab on the left. Select the desired theme from the menu in the "Theme Management" panel and click the "Set Theme" button to activate theme (simply selecting it will not activate it).

Go to the URL below in your webapp to directly access the "Themes & Features" tab:


NOTE: When a theme is activated, the changes take effect immediately and will affect appearance and page content for logged-in users.

Deactivating or Deleting a Theme

To deactivate a theme without completely removing it from your webapp, use the theme management panel on the site admin page and choose "None" from the theme list menu then click "Set Theme" to effectively disable the active theme.

A theme can be deleted by selecting it from the theme list menu and clicking the "Delete Theme" button. This action is destructive and cannot be undone - it will permanently delete all files for the selected theme along with the associated zip file (if present).

Deactivation and deletion can also be done using XAPI requests:

# deactivate the active theme without deleting it (activate the 'none' pseudo-theme)
curl -v -X PUT "" -u "username:password"

# delete all theme files for a specified theme (which will also deactivate it)
curl -v -X DELETE "" -u "username:password"

Creating a Theme

You can use one of the themes included here as a starting point for your own custom theme - just duplicate the folder, give it a unique name, and go from there.

Specially-named files in certain folders are automatically parsed by the XNAT webapp and will be used where theme-specific items are supported.

Theme CSS File(s)

Custom CSS style overrides will be automatically loaded from /css/theme.css, and redefined style rules will override default styles contained in the main app.css file. If you need to load more css files, you can do so with a simple @import statement in the theme.css file or include them as you would any other stylesheet in your theme's custom pages.

Theme JavaScript File(s)

If there's a /js/theme.js file in the theme, it will be automatically loaded after all other core XNAT js files have been loaded. If you need to include other js files, you can lazy load them in your theme.js file using the loadjs('main.js') global function, or of course you can include them in <script> tags in your theme's custom pages.

When loading theme-specific resources with JavaScript, you'll need to include the theme name in the url. You can hard code this to match the theme's folder name, or access the theme name through the global XNAT variable XNAT.themeName. For example, to dynamically load an image from a theme, you can use the XNAT.url.rootUrl() method like this:

<img id="dyn-img" src="" width="200" height="200">
    var imgSrc = XNAT.url.rootUrl('/themes/' + XNAT.themeName + '/images/foo.png');
    document.getElementById('dyn-img').src = imgSrc;

There are also variables for theme name defined for use in Velocity and JSP templates. JSP pages also have access to a ${themeRoot} variable. See the 'Theme Pages' section below for more info.

Theme Pages

Files placed in the theme's /pages/ folder will be automatically picked up when that theme is active. Which page to load is determined by the value of the view query string parameter in the following URL pattern:


There are a few different options for theme page file types and locations (relative to the theme root):

  • /pages/example.vm - a Velocity template in the root of /pages
  • /pages/example.jsp - a JSP template in the root of /pages
  • /pages/example/content.vm - a Velocity template named content.vm in a named folder
  • /pages/example/content.jsp - a JSP template named content.jsp in a named folder
  • /pages/example/content.html - an HTML file named content.html in a named folder

When a theme is active and contains a page that matches the name of a standard XNAT page, the theme's page content will have priority when loading. For example, if you wanted to create a custom user management page for your theme, you would create a file with the following path and name (relative to the theme root):


Then visiting the url below would display your theme's custom user admin page:


As other core pages start using this structure, they can very easily be overriden in a theme.

Velocity templates will get parsed in the context of the Page.vm file, so some variables and methods that are available on other standard templates may not be available for use in a theme template.

When creating JSP templates, make sure to start your file with AT LEAST the following lines:

<%@ page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8" trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="pg" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/page" %>

You'll also want to include the init.tag file for access to certain JSP variables and the jsvars.tag file for access to JavaScript variables that can be used in your js functions.


JSP templates (or portions of templates) can easily be secured to allow admin-only access by putting restricted content inside a custom <pg:restricted> tag:

Then put the secure content inside the <pg:restricted> tag:

<pg:restricted> Administrators Only </pg:restricted>

Other available tags can be explored in the /WEB-INF/tags/page folder in the XNAT webapp source.

Other Theme-specific Resources and Variables

When including theme-specific resources (images, html fragments, etc.) in your theme pages, you'll need to use the full path to the resource (relative to the site root). To load an image named foo.png into a JSP template from your theme's /images/ folder, you can use the JSP variable ${themeRoot} for the first part of the path, as shown here:

<img src="${themeRoot}/images/foo.png">

In Velocity templates, the theme name itself is defined in the $theme variable (but there's no predefined $themeRoot variable). To load the same foo.png image shown above in a Velocity template, you'd need to include the /themes/ part of the url:

<img src="$content.getURI('/themes')/$theme/images/foo.png">

Or define a $themeRoot variable in that template and use it just like the JSP example:

<img src="$themeRoot/images/foo.png">

Images that are referenced in CSS files should use relative paths since JS or template variables are not available in CSS files and the path is always relative to the CSS file itself, not the page that's loading it.

#foo-img { background-image: url('../images/foo.png') }

JSP pages or page fragments can be included using a relative (to the parent page) path with the JSP include directive:

<%@ include file="foo.jsp" %>

...or using an absolute path with the <jsp:include/> JSTL tag...

<jsp:include page="${themeRoot}/pages/foo.jsp"/>

Don't forget the ${themeRoot} variable when using absolute paths in JSP templates.

Included Themes

The themes in this repo can be used as a reference and starting point for creating your own theme. These will evolve with more detailed and concrete examples of how to create styles and pages for XNAT themes.

  • XNAT "Retro" theme
    This theme includes a stylesheet that will turn your XNAT UI colors brown and yellow and uses Verdana as the main font, harkening back to XNAT 1.5 and earlier, before shades of blue dominated UI elements.
  • more themes to come...


Theme packages for use in XNAT 1.7.3 and later.







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