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Working with experimental data (Data conditioning)

Oleksiy Penkov edited this page Nov 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

This example shows how to condition experimental data for effective LFPSO fitting. An experimental cure was added to the project.



  1. Long nosy tail
  2. Shadowed region at the beginning of the curve
  3. Noise
  4. The curve is not normalized property, which appeared after switching to a linear scale:


The data were conditioned as follows: Step 1: Normalization. Based on the intensity comparison at 0.4 degrees, the experimental curve should be divided by 0.099 (Main menu - Data - Normalize ...)


Step 2: Smoothing (Menu - Data- Smooth)


Step 3: Trim excess data points.

  • Set the calculation range from 0.4 to 4.5 degrees.
  • Click "Calc". Pay attention to the value of the error function (4169.03)
  • Select Main Menu - Data - Trim.
  • Click "Calc" again. The error function was reduced to a value below 20. Now the curve is ready for the fitting:


Fitting result (Polynomial fit for layer thicknesses):


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