These scripts are designed to take in a directory where raw CAMPARI data was generated an then generate a basic presentation, to visualize the data.
It accomplishes this using Shell Scripting, Python, Matlab, and the OpenOffice API (UNO).
Simply running the shell script with the directory of your CAMPARI output will create the graphs and the presentation.
./ ../../../InterestingCampariRunDir/
Inside the shell script, can be manually altered in a couple ways.
- The 'directory' (-d) specifies the CAMPARI directory to be analyzed. It is the only required argument.
- The 'title' (-t) is displayed on the first slide of the presentation.
- The 'format' (-f) is a presentation format allowed by Open Office Impress (eg ppt, odp, odg, etc).
- The 'output' (-o) is the name desired for the output presentation file.
python -d $ABSPATH -t aTitle -f aFormat -o anOutputFileName
This project is far from complete, and there is a lot left to do. Some of the things planned include:
- Finish graphing the possible output files from CAMPARI using the most generalized methods possible.
- Add proper titles to the slides for each graphic in the presentation
- Condense very similar graphs that relate to each other onto single slides
- Create a method to allow people to have a key file specifying what parts of the CAMPARI data they want in their output presentation.