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Payroll Engine Backend

👉 This application is part of the Payroll Engine.

Open API

The Payroll Engine API supports the Open API specification and describes the interface to the Swagger tool. The document REST Service Endpoints document describes the available endpoints.

Payroll Engine swagger.json

API Versioning

In the first 1.0 release of the REST API, no version header is required in the HTTP request. For future version changes, the HTTP header X-Version with the version number must be present.

API Content Type

The Payroll REST API supports HTTP requests in JSON format.

Backend Server

To run the backend server, the web host must support the execution of .NET Core applications. For local development, IIS Express serves as the host in two execution variants:

start "" dotnet PayrollEngine.Backend.Server.dll --urls=https://localhost:44354/
  • Visual Studio solution PayrollEngine.Backend.sln using the debugger.

Application Settings

The server configuration file appsetings.json contains the following settings:

Setting Description Type Default
StartupCulture The culture of the backend process string System culture
LogHttpRequests Log http requested to log file bool false
InitializeScriptCompiler Initialize the script compiler to reduce first run time bool false
DbTransactionTimeout Database transaction timeout timespan 10 minutes
DbCommandTimeout Database command timeout seconds 2 minutes
WebhookTimeout Webhook timeout timespan 1 minute
FunctionLogTimeout Timeout for tracking long function executions timespan off
AssemblyCacheTimeout Timeout for cached assemblies timespan 30 minutes
VisibleControllers Name of visible API controllers 1) 2) string[] all
HiddenControllers Name of hidden API controllers 1) 2) string[] none
DarkTheme Use swagger dark theme bool false
ApiKey Enable api key protection, dev-secret only! string none
Serilog Logger settings Serilog file and console log

1) Wildcard support for * and ?
2) HiddenControllers setting cannot be combined with VisibleControllers setting

It is recommended that you save the application settings within your local User Secrets.

Database connection string

The backed database connection string is determined by the following priority:

  1. Environment variable PayrollDatabaseConnection.
  2. Program configuration file appsettings.json.

Application Logs

The backend server stores its logs in the application folder logs.

Api Key

Once set, the API key is the only way to access the API endpoints. The API client must send it in the Api-Key request header.

The API key is defined in the following places (in order of priority):

  1. Environment variable PayrollApiKey
  2. Application settings file appsettings.json

When an endpoint request is made, the API key must be included in the Api-Key HTTP header.

When the API key is active, Swagger requires authorization from it.

C# Script Compiler

The business logic defined by the business in C# is compiled into binary files (assemblies) by the backend using Roslyn. This procedure has a positive effect on the runtime performance, so that even extensive calculations can be performed sufficiently quickly. At runtime, the backend keeps the assemblies in a cache. To optimize memory usage, unused assemblies are periodically deleted (application setting AssemblyCacheTimeout).

Solution projects

The.NET Core application consists of the following projects:

Name Type Description
PayrollEngine.Domain.Model Library Domain objects and repositories
PayrollEngine.Domain.Scripting Library Scripting services
PayrollEngine.Domain.Application Library Application service
PayrollEngine.Persistence Library Repository implementations
PayrollEngine.Persistence.SqlServer Library SQL Server implementation
PayrollEngine.Api.Model Library Rest objects
PayrollEngine.Api.Core Library Rest core services
PayrollEngine.Api.Map Library Mapping between rest and domain objects
PayrollEngine.Api.Controller Library Rest controllers
PayrollEngine.Backend.Controller Library Routing controllers
PayrollEngine.Backend.Server Exe Web application server with rest api

Further documents

Third party components

  • Object mapping with Mapperly - license Apache 2.0
  • OpenAPI with Swashbuggle - license MIT
  • Database query builder with SqlKata - license MIT
  • Database object mapping with Dapper - license Apache 2.0
  • Logging with Serilog - license Apache 2.0
  • Tests with xunit - license Apache 2.0