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Payroll Engine Console Application

👉 This application is part of the Payroll Engine.

The Payroll Console application provides API-like commands. See the Payroll Engine samples and tests for examples of how to use this tool. For a better understanding of the working concepts, it is recommended to read the Payroll Engine Whitepaper.

The application is controlled by two types of command line arguments:

  • Command: a single command
  • Command file: a file containing several commands.


The Payroll Console provides the following commands:

Command Group Description
ActionReport Action Report custom actions from an assembly
CaseTest Payroll Test case availability, build data and user input validation
ChangePassword System Change a user password
DataReport Report Report data to JSON file
Help System Show the command reference
System Execute HTTP GET, POST, PUT or DELETE request
LogTrail System Trace the tenant log 1)
PayrollExport Payroll Export any payroll data to JSON file
PayrollImport Payroll Import any payroll data from JSON/zip file
PayrollImportExcel Payroll Import payroll data from Excel file
PayrollResults Payroll Report payroll data to screen and/or file
PayrunEmployeeTest Test Execute employee payrun and test the results
PayrunJobDelete Data management Delete payrun job with payroll results
PayrunRebuild Script Rebuild payrun
PayrunStatistics Statistics Display payrun statistics
PayrunTest Test Execute payrun and test the results
RegulationRebuild Script Rebuild the regulation objects
RegulationShare Regulation share Manage regulation shares
Report Report Report to file 2)
ReportTest Test Test report output data
ScriptExport Script Export regulation scripts to folder
ScriptPublish Script Publish scripts from C# file
Stopwatch System Stopwatch based on environment user variable
TenantDelete Data management Delete tenant
UserVariable System View and change the environment user variable
Write System Write to the console and/or log file

1) Tenant logs are generated by the regulations and should not be confused with the application log.
2) Based on FastReports.

The required command parameters and options/toggles are passed after the command name. An example of how to bulk import a payroll from a JSON file:

PayrollConsole PayrollImport MyPayroll.json /bulk

The Help command describes the commands and their parameters:

PayrollConsole Help PayrollImport

Command Files

The command file is a file with the extension .pecmd that contains a series of instructions to the Payroll Engine Console. The lines of the file are executed sequentially and contain the following line types

  • Comment starting with #
  • Command instruction
  • Start another command file

Example command file Delete.pecmd with a comment and a command statement:

# delete my tenant
TenantDelete MyTenant /trydelete

The following example uses the Delete.pecmd command file and then runs the command to test the payrun:

# clranup and execute test
PayrunTest *.pt.json

Command files access path

If the called command file is in a different folder, it will be activated before execution:


This is necessary if the called command file is to be defined with local references. The keeppath option prevents directories from being changed:

Tools/Import1.pecmd /keeppath
Tools/Import2.pecmd /keeppath

In the example above, both import command files are run in the startup folder.

Command file parameters

Command files can also be controlled by parameters. Such parameters are used with the placeholder $Name$ in the commands. In the following example, the command file OwnerTest.pecmd has the parameter Owner:

# payrun employee test
# argument owner: job owner
PayrunEmployeeTest fileMask:*.et.json owner:$owner$ /wait

Calling this command file with the Owner parameter looks like this:

OwnerTest.pecmd owner:Test01

Command files in the operating system

Command file association in Windows:

  1. Open File Explorer (right click Start -> File Explorer)
  2. Find the file you want to associate
  3. Right click the file and select Properties
  4. In this window click Opens With: Change...
  5. Select the payroll console program

Command file association in MacOS:

  1. On your Mac, click the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window.
  2. Select a file, then choose File > Get Info.
  3. You can also Control-click the file, then choose Get Info.
  4. In the Info window, click the arrow next to Open with.
  5. Click the pop-up menu, choose an app, then click Change All.

Note: Don’t click Change All if you only want the specific file you selected to open with that app.

Command file association in Linux:

  1. TODO

Global Toggles

The following toggles apply to all Payroll Console commands:

Name Description Values Command file
Display level Command information level full 1), compact, silent Preset for executing commands
Error mode Show failed tests and errors errors1), noerrors Preset for executing commands
Wait mode Wait at the program end waiterror1), wait, nowait Final application wait mode
Path mode Path change mode changepath1), keeppath Only for command files

1) Default value.

Application Extensions

The Payroll Console provides a plug-in mechanism for integrating custom commands:

  • Command parameters with names and options
  • Access to the Payroll REST API via the Payroll HTTP client
  • Control output to console and logger
  • Program exit code definition

To develop a Payroll Console extension, do the following

  1. Develop the extension library in C# (example PayrollEngine.Client.Tutorials).
  2. Copy the output DLL of the library into the extensions subfolder of the application.
  3. Display the command help PayrollEngine Help MyCommandName.
  4. Run the command with PayrollEngine MyCommandName.

Application Configuration

The Payroll Console configuration appsetings.json contains the following settings:

| Setting | Description | Type | Default | |:--|:--|:--| | StartupCulture | The payroll console process culture | string | System culture | | ApiSettings | The payroll backend configuration | Http Config | | | Serilog | Logger configuration | Serilog | |

Payroll HTTP Configuration

Setting Description Type Default
BaseUrl The backend base url string
Port The backend url port string
Timeout The backend request timeout TimeSpan 100 seconds
ApiKey The backend API key string

The Payroll HTTP client configuration can be declared in the following locations.

Priority Source Description
1. Environment variable PayrollApiConnection Connection string with the HTTP client configuration
2. Environment variable PayrollApiConfiguration HTTP client configuration JSON file name
3. File apisettings.json HTTP client configuration JSON file located in the program folder
4. File appsettings.json HTTP client configuration from the program configuration JSON file


File and console logging with Serilog.

It is recommended that you save the application settings within your local User Secrets.

Api Key

If a key is required to access the backend API, it must be obtained from one of the following sources (in order of priority):

  1. Environment variable PayrollApiKey
  2. Payroll HTTP configuration (see PayrollEngine.Client.Core)

Application Logs

The payroll console stores its logs in the application folder logs.

Solution projects

The.NET Core application consists of the following projects:

Name Type Description
PayrollEngine.PayrollConsole.Commands Library Console commands
PayrollEngine.PayrollConsole Exe Console application

Third party components

  • Excel conversion with NPOI - license Apache 2.0
  • Logging with Serilog - license Apache 2.0


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