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File metadata and controls

219 lines (201 loc) · 12.4 KB

Input Attributes

The case input attributes can be used to control the behavior of user input.

Name Description Type Default Supported by
input.editInfo Edit info 1) json dictionary - Case/Report build
input.validity Valid Item bool true Case/Report build
input.icon Custom item icon 2) string false Case
input.priority Item priority 3) string normal Case Group text string - all
input.separator Input separator line bool false all
input.hidden Input is hidden bool false all
input.hiddenName Hidden name bool false Case field
input.showDescription Show input description bool false all
input.variant Input description 4) bool false all
input.startLabel Start date input label string Start all
input.startHelp Start date help text string - all
input.startRequired Start date required error text string Start all
input.startReadOnly Start date input to read only bool false all (start date)
input.startHidden Hide start date bool false all (start date)
input.startFormat Start date input format 5) string system date, date-time
input.startPickerOpen Start date picker mode 6) string day date
input.startPickerType Start date datetime type 7) string date all
input.endLabel End date input label string End all
input.endHelp End date help text string - all
input.endRequired End date required error text string Start all
input.endReadOnly End date input to read only bool false all (end date)
input.endHidden Hide end date bool false all (start date)
input.endFormat End date input format 5) string system date, date-time
input.endPickerOpen End date picker mode 6) string day date
input.endPickerType End date datetime type 7) string date all
input.valueLabel Input value label string system all
input.valueAdornment Input value adornment text string - text, numeric
input.valueHelp Input value help text string - all
input.valueMask Input mask 8) string - text
input.valueRequired Input value required error text string system all
input.valueReadOnly Input is read only bool false all
input.valuePickerOpen Value date picker mode 6) string day date
input.valuePickerStatic Open input value editor bool false date, time
input.valueTimePicker Time value picker 9) string - decimal
input.culture Display culture 10) string system money
input.minValue Minimum input value datetime/num - numeric, date, date-time
input.maxValue Maximum input value datetime/num - numeric, date, date-time
input.stepSize Step size on spin buttons num 1 numeric
input.format Value input format 5) string system date, date-time
input.lineCount Show multiple lines of text int 1 text
input.maxLength Maximum text length int - text
input.check Input checkbox instead of switch bool false bool toggles
input.valueHistory Enable value history bool false all
input.attachment Enable document upload 11) string none all
input.attachmentExtensions Allowed files for upload 12) string - all
input.list Provide list of possible inputs object[] 13) - all
input.listValues Provide values for a list object[] 14) key all
input.listSelection Preselected list value string 15) - all

1) Json string/object dictionary with additional item information
2) Icon name
3) Item priority: Low, Normal, High or Critical
4) Item variant: Text, Filled or Outlined
5) Date and time format
- Standard format strings:
- Custom format strings:
6) Date picker open mode: Day, Month or Xear
7) Date picker type: DatePicker (date only), DateTimePicker (date and time)
8) Text box input mask *
9) Value time picker for decimal values: Day24, Day12, DayHour, DayMinute or HourMinute
10) Culture names
11) Document attachment mode: None, Optional, Mandatory
12) Comma separated string, example: .jpg,.png
13) JSON array with field value type
14) JSON array with the same count of list values
15) Selected list value when available otherwise the selected list item (field value type)

Text input mask

Mask Description
0 Digit required. This element accepts any single digit from 0 to 9
9 Digit or space, optional
\# Digit or space, optional, plus (+) and minus (-) signs are allowed
L Letter required. The letters a-z and A-Z are accepted
? Letter or space, optional
& Character required
C Character or space, optional
A Alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) required
a Alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9) or space, optional
< Shift down. Converts all characters to lower case
\> Shift up. Converts all characters to upper case

Escapes a mask character, turning it into a literal. All other characters: Literals. All non-masked elements (literals) will appear as themselves within the masked text box.

Input Mask Examples

`Mask Input
\##### 012+-
&&&&& A12#
\\\A999 A321

MaskedTextBox documentation:

Date expressions

Expression Description
yesterday Yesterday
today Today
tomorrow Tomorrow
previousmonth First day of previous month
month First day of current month
nextmonth First day of next month
previousyear First day of previous calendar year
year First day of current calendar year
nextyear First day of next calendar year
offset:<count><type> Offset from today (see offset type)
DateTime The date/time string representation, supported types: JSON and .net

Offset type

  • d - day
  • w - week
  • m - month
  • y - year

Offset examples

  • 10 days: offset:10d
  • 2 weeks: offset:2w
  • 9 months: offset:9m
  • 1 year: offset:1y
  • minus 5 day: offset:-5d
  • minus 6 weeks: offset:-6w
  • minus 3 months: offset:-3m
  • minus 4 years: offset:-4y

TimeSpan documentation:

Input Attributes Examples

In the following example, the case has an additional icon that allows you to enter 1 to 3 children:

"cases": [
    "name": "ChildCount",
    "caseType": "Employee",
    "attributes": {
      "input.icon": "Filled.Article"
    "fields": [
        "name": "ChildCount",
        "description": "The children count (max 3)",
        "valueType": "Integer",
        "timeType": "Period",
        "attributes": {
          "input.minValue": 0,
          "input.maxValue": 3

In this example, the value can be selected from a drop-down list:

"cases": [
    "name": "EmployeeState",
    "caseType": "Employee",
    "fields": [
        "name": "StringList",
        "valueType": "String",
        "timeType": "Period",
        "defaultStart": "today",
        "attributes": {
          "input.list": "[\"State 1\", \"State 2\", \"State 3\"]",
          "input.listSelection": "State 2"

The following example shows how documents can be associated with a case field value:

"cases": [
    "name": "EmployeeProfile",
    "caseType": "Employee",
    "fields": [
        "name": "ProfilePicture",
        "valueType": "None",
        "timeType": "Period",
        "defaultStart": "today",
        "attributes": {
          "input.attachment": "Optional",
          "input.attachmentExtensions": ".jpg,.gif,.png"