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Payroll Engine Web Application

👉 This application is part of the Payroll Engine.

The Web Application provides full access to the Payroll Engine. For a better understanding of the working concepts, it is recommended to read the Payroll Engine Whitepaper.


The functions of the web app are divided into features:

Feature Group Description
Tasks General Manage the user tasks
Employee Cases General Add new employee case
Company Cases General Add new company case
National Cases General Add new national case
Global Cases General Add new global case
Reports General Build reports 1)
Payrun Results Payrun View and Export payrun results
Payrun Jobs Payrun Start and manage payrun jobs
Payruns Payrun Add or change a payrun
Payrolls Payroll Add or change payroll and clusters
Payroll Layers Payroll Add or change payroll layer
Regulations Payroll Add or remove regulation
Regulation Payroll Derived regulation edit
Shared Regulations Administration Manage shared regulations
Tenants Administration Add or change a tenant
Users Administration Add or change an users2) 3)
Calendars Administration Add or change a payroll calendar
Divisions Administration Add or change a division
Employees Administration Add or change an employee
Webhooks Administration Add or change webhooks and messages
Logs Administration View the tenant logs 4)
User Storage System Manage the local user storage

1) Based on FastReports.
2) The available functions can be assigned to the user.
3) The "Administrator" user type can manage all functions.
4) Tenant logs are generated by the regulations and should not be confused with the application log.

Web Application Server

To run the web application server, the web host must support the execution of .NET Core applications. For local development, IIS Express serves as the host in two execution variants:

start "" dotnet PayrollEngine.WebApp.Server.dll --urls=https://localhost:7179/
  • Visual Studio Solution PayrollEngine.WebApp.sln using the debugger.

User Login

When logging in for the first time, the user must choose a password that complies with the following rules:

  • at least 8 characters
  • 1 numeric character
  • 1 lower case character
  • 1 upper case character
  • 1 special character

Developer login

In debug mode the web application can be started with an automatic login. The desired context is defined with the program settings AutoLogin, StartupTenant and StartupUser. In this mode it is possible to switch between the tenants.

Application Configuration

The server configuration file appsetings.json contains the following settings:

Startup Configuration

Setting Description Type Default
StartupCulture The web application process culture string System culture
StartupTenant The startup tenant using th auto login option 1) string -
StartupUser The startup user using the auto login option 1) string -
AutoLogin Automatic logon using the StartupTenant and StartupUser 1) bool false
ClearStorage Clear the user storage bool false

1) Only in debug mode

App Configuration

Setting Description Type Default
AppTitle The application title string Payroll Engine
AppImage The application image string Payroll Engine image
AppImageDarkMode The application dark mode image string Payroll Engine image
DarkMode Default dark mode at startup bool? User system setting
AdminEmail The administration email for error pages string -
ProductUrl The product url string -
PreferredCultures Preferred cultures in dropdown lists 1) string[] -
DefaultFeatures The default features for new users string[] -
AllowTenantSwitch Allow to switch between tenants bool false
LogHttpRequests Log Http request to file bool false
LogCaseChanges Add case changes to the tenant log bool false
SessionTimeout Web application user session timeout timespan 10 minutes
ExcelExportMaxRecords Maximum count of excel export rows int 10'000
MaxDownloadSize Maximum download size long 512'000

1) Preferred cultures examples: [ "en-US", "en-AU", "de"]

Payroll Http Configuration

Setting Description Type Default
BaseUrl The backend base url string
Port The backend url port string
Timeout The backend request timeout TimeSpan 100 seconds
ApiKey The backend API key string

The Payroll HTTP client configuration can be declared in the following locations.

Priority Source Description
1. Environment variable PayrollApiConnection Connection string with the HTTP client configuration
2. Environment variable PayrollApiConfiguration HTTP client configuration JSON file name
3. File apisettings.json HTTP client configuration JSON file located in the program folder
4. File appsettings.json HTTP client configuration from the program configuration JSON file


File and console logging with Serilog.

It is recommended that you save the application settings within your local User Secrets.

Application Logs

The web application server stores its logs in the application folder logs.

Api Key

If a key is required to access the backend API, it must be obtained from one of the following sources (in order of priority):

  1. Environment variable PayrollApiKey.
  2. From the Payroll HTTP configuration.

Input Attributes

The case input attributes can be used to control the behavior of user input.

👉 Input Attributes Reference.

Solution projects

The.NET Core application consists of the following projects:

Name Type Description
PayrollEngine.WebApp.Shared Library Shared resources
PayrollEngine.WebApp.Core Library Core types and services
PayrollEngine.WebApp.ViewModel Razor Library View model objects
PayrollEngine.WebApp.Presentation Razor Library Presentation components
PayrollEngine.WebApp.Server Exe Web application server with pages and dialogs

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