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PeerHeer edited this page Dec 31, 2019 · 2 revisions


The listutils:slice returns a slice of a list.


Input is given using the listutils:in storage:

Field Meaning
List The list that needs to be sliced.

Additionally, the smallest index (inclusive) should be put in the $listutils.index.first score (defaults to 0). The largest index (exclusive) should be put in the $listutils.index.last score (defaults to the length of the list). Negative indices will have the same behavior as using them in a static context.

After defining the input, run the function listutils:slice.


Errors that display when executing the listutils:slice function as a player in debug mode.

Error Message

Return values


The success of the operation is stored in the $listutils.success listutils.out score. This score is 1 on success and 0 otherwise. Success will be 0 when either of the indices is out of bounds or when the first index is larger than the last index.


The result of the operation is stored inside the List field in the listutils:out storage and contains the slice of the original list.


Take the example list ExampleList: ["foo", "Hello World!", "foo", "bar"] in the listutils:examples storage. We want to slice it from index 1 to 3:

# Add List to the input.
data modify storage listutils:in List set from storage listutils:examples ExampleList
# Add the indices to the input.
scoreboard players set $listutils.index.first 1
scoreboard players set $listutils.index.last 3
# Call the function.
function listutils:slice

This would return ["Hello World!", "foo"] inside the List field in the listutils:out storage.

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