RBAC-Dashboard is a full-stack web application that provides role-based access control (RBAC) for managing tasks and users. It consists of two main components: a backend built with Node.js and MongoDB, and a frontend built with React.js.
- Project Structure
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Running the Application
- Environment Variables
- Scripts
- Dependencies
- License
The project consists of two main directories:
- backend/: Contains the backend API built with Node.js and MongoDB.
- frontend/: Contains the frontend built with React.js.
Before running this project, ensure you have the following installed:
- Node.js (v14.x or higher) - Install Node.js
- npm (Node Package Manager) or yarn
- MongoDB - Make sure you have MongoDB installed locally or use a cloud provider like MongoDB Atlas.
User Name: admin@example.com Password: admin
git clone https://github.com/Powsishan/RBAC-Dashboard.git
cd RBAC-Dashboard
2. Backend Setup
Navigate to the backend directory and install dependencies:
cd backend
npm install
3. Frontend Setup
Navigate to the frontend directory and install dependencies:
cd ../frontend
npm install
Running the Application
1. Start the Backend
In the backend/ directory, run the backend server:
npm run dev
The backend will run on http://localhost:4000.
2. Start the Frontend
In the frontend/ directory, run the frontend development server:
npm start
The frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000. It is configured to proxy requests to the backend API running on port 4000.
Environment Variables
To run the application, you need to set up environment variables for both the backend and frontend.
Backend (backend/.env)
Frontend (frontend/.env)
The following scripts are available:
npm start: Starts the backend server.
npm run dev: Starts the backend server in development mode using nodemon.
npm start: Runs the frontend in development mode.
npm run build: Builds the frontend for production.
npm test: Runs tests in the frontend.
bcrypt: For password hashing.
cors: For handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
dotenv: For managing environment variables.
express: For building the web server.
joi: For validation.
jsonwebtoken: For authentication with JWT.
mongodb: MongoDB driver for connecting to the database.
mongoose: MongoDB ODM for managing data schemas.
nodemon: For automatically restarting the backend during development.
axios: For making HTTP requests to the backend API.
jwt-decode: For decoding JSON Web Tokens.
react: JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
react-dom: DOM-specific methods for React.
react-router-dom: For client-side routing.
react-toastify: For notifications and alerts.
tailwindcss: Utility-first CSS framework for styling components.
This project is licensed under the ISC License.
### Steps to Install Necessary Packages
Before running the application, ensure you install the required dependencies by running the following commands:
- For the **backend**:
cd backend
npm install
For the frontend:
cd ../frontend
npm install