A Checkbook application with user interface and Excel database
This is a quick and dirty checkbook program that I wrote to replace my old DOS Quicken program. The computer that the Quicken was running on finally started to have the power die and I needed a new program.
When I looked at the C# checkbook programs here, most lacked a user interface and weren't attractive to me.
This program uses an Excel .CSV file as the database. That offers several benefits:
- The user can write their own reports in Excel or in Power BI
- The database doesn't need a fancy database system to run.
- It makes sharing data with other programs very easy.
This program also is able to import data from DOS Quicken (version 2000 in my case).
Right now, the functions include
- Pull in the database and compute the current balance
- Add a transaction to the database and continue the balance
- Put the transaction in a category
- Remember the last transaction to a payee and auto fill this transaction with that data
- Reconcile the ledger with the bank statement
- Allow transactions to be broken up into multiple sub-categories
- Reporting split up by category (helps with taxes)
I wrote this for my own use. Your use of this program may open you up to financial mistakes.
Example user interface:
Main screen showing the current ledger
How to add a transaction to the ledger
Adding transaction with split categories
Known Issues: For some reason, the DataGridView for reconciling deposits throws an exception when clicking on a deposit that was added during the reconciliation process. How I can get around that is to add all the missing transactions in the reconcile screen, back out of that screen, and re-enter the reconciliation process. Then, clicking on such a deposit works.